KRC Update

November 30, 2021

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken

We have had a busy run up to the end of the year with many students in, finalising tasks, classes in using the open spaces and larger tables, and lots of students in borrowing reading for WIRED and the up-and-coming extended holiday break.  The KRC Team have made the library an even more welcoming environment for the final couple of weeks by adding some tasteful Christmas decorations and displays.  Boys have also been receiving Candy Canes as they complete reading milestones – like completing a Series, not having any overdue books, celebrating a birthday, providing a good recommendation for their peers and others. Another fun activity has been to play Christmas Carols as the boys exit the library at Recess and Lunchtimes. The fun interactions with the boys as they share their library experiences with us, have been welcomed by all involved.

For the final time this year, we will be hosting the Chess Team in the KRC as they compete over two days in the National Chess Championships. Our top eight students were selected to represent the College and will play against students from both Australian and New Zealand schools.   What a wonderful achievement for these students – Toby Clack, Ben Machin, Jesse Mattson, Addison Crane, Nick Eppingstall, Justin Goodison, Leonard Goodison and Charlton Hand.  They have been well supported throughout the year by many other keen Chess players as during recess and lunchtime we can have up to ten games of Chess being played.  As I write this, we are sitting fourth mid-way through day one of the two-day competition.  Good Luck Boys!



Game faces are on! Mr Winfield, going over some moves with a couple of competitors, while others continue their games.