KRC Update – March 7, 2019
March 6, 2019
Ballarat Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial
St Patrick’s College has a rich tradition of recognising Old Boys who have fought in wars.- Ballarat too has such a tradition and over the past three years the Australian Ex-Prisoners of War Memorial Trustees commenced a campaign to suggest that in lieu of Wreaths, a Book Tribute be placed instead.- These Book Tributes were to later be distributed to schools in the Ballarat area.- As part of this campaign it is pleasing to announce that St Patrick’s College recently accepted a donation of books from the Trustees.-
This donation of books will further enrich our collection and we warmly thank them for including us as a recipient.- The boys have always respected and shown interest in – the sacrifices made by their forbears that have enabled them to experience the freedoms of our Australian Society.- Many thanks for the work done by the Trustees.-