Middle School Report
October 6, 2022
by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School
Welcome back to everyone in the Middle School. I hope that you have all had a wonderful holiday. This is also another opportunity to remind all of our parents that Term 4 requires ALL boys to wear school shorts and to also have a College Cap available for Physical Education lessons, being conducted outside.
In your son’s last term in the Middle School it is vital that he continue to grow in his level of maturity as he is about to experience greater demands on self-care and self –motivation when he moves into the Senior School. Simply put, your son needs to begin to work harder than he has ever worked before so that he begins to understand how hard, he in fact, can work! This is not unlike the experience of training; so that we are best prepared for the rigor of the game ahead. The final Year 9 Examinations are the educational game I am referring to here and thus the culmination of their hard work will ultimately improve their chances of achieving success. To assist your son to be best prepared for his examinations; may I suggest the regular reminder of completing homework and the further extension of completing class and homework, that being actually studying/revising materials covered throughout the semester, needs to be undertaken with some clear purpose in mind on an increasing regular occurrence. Year 9 boys should begin to be working towards 90 minutes of homework/study per night.
During Week 5 of Term 4 (2/11 – 4/11) the Year 9 students will attend their final expedition as part of the Year 9 Experiential Program. Your son will be based at the Norval Camp facility in Halls Gap where he will participate in a number of challenging experiences including hiking, rock climbing, abseiling and canoeing. These experiences will encourage all of our boys to develop an appreciation and respect for the natural environment, promote team work and resilience and continue to develop their leadership skills.
Students will be transported to and from the camp by bus. Buses will leave the College at 9am, Wednesday, November 2 and return to Ballarat by 3.15pm on Friday, November 4.
PAM notifications will have been sent this week and can I please ask that all requirements be attended to as soon as possible. This helps our Grampian’s Camp run as smoothly as possible.
If you have any further questions, please contact the Year 9 Coordinators; Mr Sam Cue or Mr Shane Hayes or myself.
Some other major dates of note for the Middle School students include: the Year 9 Examination period starting Monday November 14 until Friday November 18 which will be the final day in Year 9 for your son as the following week he will begin the two weeks of the 2023 Year 10 Headstart Program. I have included the Examination Timetable for your records at the following link. 2022 Year 9 Semester Two Examination Shedule
Finally, the 2023 timetable is well underway and despite some Year 9 boys facing the difficult task of having to modify their original subject choices, due to class space unavailability and subject selection clashes, we appear to be getting closer to a successful transition into the Senior School for 2023.
As always I hope that all of our boys achieve the success they are busily working towards throughout this, their last term in the Middle School.
Mr Michael Busscher
Director of Middle School