Middle School Report – May 28, 2015

May 27, 2015

Anzac Centenary – Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance

Last Wednesday, the Year 9 boys participated in a Victorian Government centenary initiative.- This community focussed roadshow, Victoria’s Journey of Remembrance, was a program of events to encourage our boys to learn more about – World War One history, to research their own personal connections, and to work within their local communities to ensure that we share Victoria’s stories.- – An innovative presentation, combining video, theatre and narrative to explore the Anzac story was enjoyed by the boys.

Middle School Semester One Exam Timetable

Tuesday 9th June:- – Science -“ Sessions One and Two

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Humanities -“ Sessions Seven and Eight

Wednesday 10th June:- – English -“ Sessions Two and Three

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Advanced Maths -“ Session Four

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Electives -“ Sessions Eight and Nine

Thursday 11th June:- – Maths -“ Sessions One and Two

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – R.E. -“ Sessions Seven

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Exam Study Hints


There are many arguments out there about the effectiveness of studying – ask anyone who has to sit exams, and they will tell you that studying is essential in order to succeed at examinations. Studying allows for serious reflection on the work you have done. In the peace and quiet of study time, you can reflect on your learning, identify areas with which you still need practise and keep the material fresh in your mind. Students who study, are often at great advantage to those who choose not to, or are ineffective at it. The following tips may help you make some positive changes – or to reinforce your good habits – so that you can prepare effectively for exams.

Making room for effective study

Study Area – Having a good study area can make a huge difference to how well you learn. Study in a well lit, quiet area, away from noises and people in the house. Make sure your desk is tidy and organised – it means you can concentrate on studying and learning, not trying to find information.

Knowing the paper

Find Out About the Exam -“ Find out what format the exam will take i.e. Are the questions in essay, short answer or multiple choice format?- Or a combination of all of these?- Is the exam open book or closed book? Knowing how the exam is marked – what are the sections of the paper? What is each section worth? Knowing this in advance, can help you plan your time in the exam.

Do I begin with the most difficult material?

To Do Lists – Make a to do list before each study session. Breaking tasks down into small, manageable tasks will make it less overwhelming. Cross them off with a texta as you go. Consider starting with material that you have found difficult. Activate your thinking about the topics and be aware of how on-task- you are.

Having peace and quiet

Switch the Phone or Email Off! – If you find that you are being distracted by the phone or emails, facebook, etc., it might help to put your phone on silent or get others in the house to take messages for a while. You can always ring people back, send texts, update facebook- later.

Stay in touch with your teachers

Ask Lots of Questions of your Teachers! Your teacher or- tutor can help if you are having trouble developing a study routine or need help with understanding subjects or a particular topic.- Asking for help doesn’t mean you’re a failure or stupid – it’s smart to tap into their experience and knowledge to help you perform better. Keep going back to them if you’re still unsure or you have more questions. It’s their job to be available for you.- –

Actively study – it can’t be copied and pasted into your brain

Revise and Learn (Not Just Re-Read) – Sometimes reading through notes doesn’t result in learning or understanding. Include the following in revising each topic:

  • Vocabulary, technical terms definitions
  • Summaries of points
  • Formulae, rules, diagrams, charts
  • Ability to understand relationships

Don’t put off ’til tomorrow, what you can do today

Avoid Procrastination – Procrastination is when you do everything else but the task you need to do. It is normal to procrastinate a little. However too much procrastination can just add to your stress and can result in you not giving yourself enough time to prepare. Managing your time and setting realistic goals for each study session can be helpful ways to avoid procrastinating and make tasks seem less overwhelming.-

Organise your study time

Make a Study Timetable -“ Write down all the things you need to do each day of the week, and how long you need for each, including time for enough sleep, relaxation, and exercise. Find out the date of each exam and work out a study timetable leading up to them. Include tests that will help you identify gaps in your knowledge. This can give you some direction and help you focus on what to study each week or day.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Melbourne Experience

In a little over two weeks, our Melbourne Experience begins. All classes, along with their Pastoral Teachers and other Support Staff, will enjoy all that Melbourne has to offer. Parents should have received a copy of their son’s Melbourne Experience itinerary and contact numbers. Remembering this week is essentially school in Melbourne, I encourage parents to take the time to discuss the itinerary with their boys, as well as the importance of correct behaviour and moving around the city respectfully.-

Objectives of the Melbourne Experience include: Learning about different aspects of Melbourne- including History, Culture, Arts, Sport, Design and Innovation;- Learning how to navigate around the Melbourne CBD and, Develop teamwork and independence skills.

St Patrick's College

1431 Sturt Street
Ballarat, Victoria, 3350

CRICOS Provider No. 00620E

Office Hours

Monday to Friday 8.15 am - 4.45 pm
Except public holidays, first week of each term break and end of year break

 +61 3 53 311688
  +61 3 53 318150

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