Middle School Report – September 6, 2018

September 5, 2018

Debating offers the invitation to develop skills for all aspects of life, as it requires participants to work together thinking about issues from multiple viewpoints. However, its greatest asset is its push to develop the ability to confidently speak publicly in front of others. In this sense, debating offers the opportunity to develop a person towards being a full realised human being -“ something particularly pertinent for Year 9.

The Year 9 debating teams this year have seen some wonderful moments of joy as they have competed in both the Debaters Association of Victoria (DAV) and Royal South Street competitions.

Our Year 9 Team 2 were undefeated until round 3 and were only 2 points off making it to finals. They also competed aptly in Royal South Street, demonstrating solid form.

Our Year 9 Team 1 scored high enough to make it into the state finals for DAV, meaning they were in the top 14 teams out of 400 teams across the state. Many of these teams were Year 10 teams! They unfortunately lost to Trinity Grammar, blocking them from the Octofinals. For the Royal South Street, the team was able to score higher than 16 other teams and did make it to the Grand Final. They brought home the medal, but narrowly missed the cup to Damascus. Next year’s season will be one to watch!