Mission Report

October 21, 2022

by Assistant Principal  – Mission and Identity, Mr Geoff Brodie

Christ, be our light
Shine in our hearts
Shine through the darkness
Christ, be our light
Shine in Your church gathered today.

With these words sung from the heart by our Year 12 students of 2022 our Thanksgiving Mass- offered at St Patrick’s Cathedral – came to an end. Students, parents, families, and staff gathered to give thanks to our loving God for the many gifts we have all encountered through the Patrick’s College community.

College Captain James Clark proclaimed the words of St Paul that our strength and unity come from friendship with Jesus who is “the power and the wisdom of God.” Year 12 student Lochie Kelly beautifully sang the words of the Psalm, challenging us to “tell the world our God rules with justice.” Vice-captains Isaac Hucker and Zenon Czulij invited us to “give thanks especially for the families of our Year 12 students, who supported their sons with patience and courage.” College Chaplain Fr Eladio Lizada proclaimed the good news of St Matthew, inspiring us to confront that foundational question: “What, then, will a man gain if he wins the whole world and ruins his life?”


In a powerful symbol of unity and joy, our Year 12 students gathered after Holy Communion on the steps of the Sanctuary to sing ‘Standing on the Shoulders.’ This powerful song of gratitude concludes with the words:

I am standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me

I am honoured by their passion for our liberty

I will stand a little taller, I will work a little longer

And my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow me.

With these words, and with the Cathedral illuminated only by the candles held by the students, the Year 12 class took up their responsibility within the tradition of St Patrick’s College community. It was a night of great joy.

After Mass, the students united in the College war cry and re-joined their families for a delicious supper provided by Nyarth Yanwei and his team. Sincere thanks to Mr Mitch Leviston for his expertise and joy in leading Year 12 students towards mastery in singing. Many thanks also to Ms Anne-Marie Driscoll, Ms Helen Lee and Mr Rorey O’Kelly for their preparation for the Mass and the whole grand occasion.

However, life goes on for our students in the remaining year levels. This includes our annual Christmas Drive, where families are invited to donate goods to be distributed, through the St Vincent de Paul Society, to families in need. Students are asked to bring in non-perishable foods, toiletries and other necessities, toys, and games for young children, to directly contribute to the standard of living of our neighbours. In this action we recall the Greatest Commandment of Jesus: to love God and love our neighbour. Homeroom teachers have been given a list of items suitable for donation, and homerooms are encouraged to act as a group to offer all items on the list. May our generosity know no bounds.

Let us never cease praying for our students and families. Let us always pray for the courage of our faith to endure and flourish in the words of St Paul: “The language of the cross may be illogical to those who are not on the way to salvation, but those of us who are on the way see it as God’s power to save.”