Mission Report – October 26, 2017
October 25, 2017
On Wednesday night we gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate our Thanksgiving Mass. This Mass has the special focus of our Year 12 students. Led by our College Chaplain, Fr Anthony Nagothu, it was a time of great joy, gratitude and hope. The homily of Fr Anthony is offered for your reflection.-
-Congratulations to all our graduates here this evening!- I hope that you are really proud of yourselves and your accomplishments in completing your schooling. Let’s us also remember all the people who also share in that pride -“- your mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters; your grandparents and friends -“ your teachers; all of whom took this journey with you in ways both seen and unseen.- So this is their day, too.
In a couple of months, the Catholic Church in Australia will inaugurate the Year of Youth at the catholic Youth festival, in Sydney. In the letter calling for the synod of Bishops for the year of Youth in 2018, Pope Francis speaks about Abraham, our father in Faith. Pope Francis talks about the courage and faith that Abraham manifested by leaving his comfortable homeland. Abraham sets out on a journey to an unknown land that God promised to him and his descendants.
My brothers, now you are setting out for the new land of your future, the land of your dreams. Each of you is called by God to enter into the promised land of new life with the Faith provided by God -“ a new life filled with adventure, success, and joy-filled moments.
You are leaving behind your homeland -“ The St Pats College. This homeland has also been a place of nurturing comfort and care for you over the years. A place that prepared you to set out on the way to your future. Now it is time for you to leave St Pats in faith that God goes with you. Your presence here today indicates that you have prepared wisely for your future. You have taken advantage of all that St Pats has to offer, in education, sports, spirituality and life.– And, it is our hope that you leave this campus as men of faith motivated to bring the light of Christ to others. – –
You will shape the world around you and you will be shaped by that world. Be mindful that not all that the future offers you will be easy. You will need to establish a new support system of friends who will encourage your continued growth in faith.
Robert Frost once said, -Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less travelled by. And that made all the difference.- You know already, that in any battle or contest, even in sports, there are two rules of conflict. First, never underestimate the enemy. You will be called upon to make choices, difficult ones. There will be peer pressure to take the easy path, to follow the crowd, to appear cool. One of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is the gift of courage. Courage to swim against the tide, to take a stand, to follow the road less travelled.
The second rule of conflict, never underestimate yourself. You are a good person. Always think of yourself in a positive way. Yes, we all have a darker side to our nature, but also a bright side where honour, dignity and decency shine forth in us. We are precious before God. God loves you as you are (Is 43:4)
Today’s Gospel gives us three key points for reflection: 1. Attentiveness 2. Integrity 3. Responsibility. I put them in one word A.I.R. You may consider, as AIR is to your breathing so too these three points to your future. Attentiveness: The Gospel began with Jesus words referring to the Master of the house who is attentive. It’s very important to be attentive, in listening, studying, driving or playing.
Integrity is doing right thing when no one is watching. In the Gospel, Jesus describes two scenarios. In one instance, the servant hears that the master’s arrival will be delayed. The servant acts very irresponsibly eating, drinking and wasting time. He has no integrity. Another scenario describes a trustworthy servant who goes about the work of the day regardless of when the master is coming! He works with integrity. We need to act with integrity because we live in the truth of the Gospel. Always remember the words of St. John Bosco, -God sees you-.
Responsibility: I think of this famous line from spider man, -‘with great power comes great responsibility’. The last verse of the Gospel we heard tonight says, -To whom much is given, much is required, to whom much is given much is expected. Now on ward, you will be entrusted with more freedom, job, money time everything entrusted to you. Take everything with responsibility, God will bless you more and more.
Nelson Mandela, the charismatic former president of South Africa, is often quoted as saying: We ask ourselves who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually who am I not to be? You are a child of God.… We were born to make manifest the glory of God within us. It is not just in some of us; it is in everyone. If we think good of ourselves we will try to live up to it, if we think badly of ourselves we will live down to it. So think good of yourselves and live up to it!
– -Graduates, you are the future: What you are now is God’s gift to you. What you can and will become is your gift to God.
-You are the light of the world. The more you show your light through Christ, the more you bring about Goodness, Righteousness and Truth. May you live the Light of Christ through all your days!- My best wishes and blessings to you.- God bless you Amen.-