Pastoral Care Report – June 7, 2018

June 6, 2018


Last week, along with four other staff members, I attended the Positive Schools Conference in Melbourne. This event is a significant way for leaders and teachers to learn about the latest research in to wellbeing, mental health, and positive psychology. A recurring theme over the two days was the importance of mindfulness. Mindfulness allows us to have a greater control over our emotions, improve sleep and reduces stress and anxiety.- Currently, the Pastoral Care Program gives our students an opportunity to take some time out of their busy schedules each week, and to be mindful, either through guided meditation, mindful colouring in, or through other means of being in the present moment, as lead by their Pastoral Care Tutor. As part of our mindfulness program, we encourage students and parents to engage in this practice at home. The Smiling Mind is a free Australian app for Apple and Android, that has been designed for education purposes. Headspace (UK) is an app for Apple and Android that is a global best-seller for mindfulness. You can access 10 free sessions, and with a paid subscription, has hundreds of mindfulness sessions that can be catered for particular needs. For more information on these two award winning apps, please head to:

Keeping Safe -“ The purpose of the Keeping Safe program -“ Information for parents

As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus is to outline the purpose of the Keeping Safe program.-

Keeping Safe (SA DECD) has both a narrow and a broad focus. While its specific aim is to help young people to learn to recognise and report abuse and develop ways of protecting themselves from abuse, its wider focus covers rights, responsibilities, relationships, bullying, cyberbullying and ethical behaviour. The teaching staff and students at St Patrick’s College effectively participate in this program through:

  • fostering care, empathy, respect and cooperation, leading to safe and supportive environment

  • promoting reciprocal rights and responsibilities for the good of individuals themselves and of others

  • promoting high quality interactions and relationships and the dignity of cultural and social diversity

  • promoting informed, responsible and ethical decision-making about safety and fairness for the common good

  • promoting the development of skills in recognising standards of behaviour, responding to unsafe and unfair situations, and seeking assistance effectively.

Taking the developmental stages of young people into account, this curriculum provides a pathway for young people to increase their learning:

  • about their right to feel safe

  • to recognise acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and attitudes

  • about their right to take action if a person engages in abusive behaviour towards them and threatens their safety, including cyber abuse

  • that it is important to tell trusted people about such situations

  • that help is available to them within their school and the broader community

  • that they are at greater risk of abuse by people known to them than by strangers

  • that they have the right to understand how unequal power relationships operate in society and how these might be changed

  • that young people have the right to protection from abuse and unfair practices in the workplace.

There are a number of whole-year-level wellbeing programs happening next semester. Please take note of the following dates:

Key event dates for 2018 wellbeing calendar:

Year 7:

Brainstorm Productions

Student Workshop (During the day) – July 30


Venue: OCA Pavilion

Time: Sessions 2 & 3

Year 8:

Brainstorm Productions

Student Workshop (During the day) – July 30


Venue: OCA Pavilion

Time: Sessions 4 & 5

Year 11:

Carmen Road Safety

Student workshop (during the day) -“ August 6


Venue: OCA Pavilion

Time: Sessions 2 & 3

Year 10:

The Resilience Project

Student workshop #3 (during the day) -“ November 26

Parent information evening -“ registration required -“ November 26


For more information on our Pastoral Care program, please visit:

I would encourage all students and parents to fully engage and participate in all of our wellbeing programs on offer, as they are an integral element of our broader mission to educate the whole person.

Kind regards,

Bradley Murray

Pastoral Care Coordinator