Royal South Street Saxophone Success
September 18, 2018
St Patrick’s College Music Department has had a wonderful finish to the solo competition at Royal South Street.
Year 12 student Jesse Keem entered section 777 Sweet Reeds Woodwind Solo -“ 18 years and section 778 Sweet Reeds VCE Students Woodwind Solo. The sections require each competitor to perform an accompanied or unaccompanied work.
Jesse chose to perform Black & Blue by Barry Cockcroft in section 777 and Octennial Song by Stuart Greenbaum in 778.-
It is with great pleasure that I can announce that Jesse gained first place in the Woodwind Solo and an Honorable Mention in the VCE Woodwind Solo sections.
I would like to thank Ms Georgia Parry for her wonderful work with Jesse in preparation for Royal South Street competition and Units 3 and 4 VCE Music Performance End-of-Year 25 minute program. Congratulations once again to Jesse and Ms. Parry on their wonderful success.