Senior School – October 18, 2018

October 17, 2018

Unit 3/4- Practice Exams, September/October Holidays

As is always the case, Term Four seems to be moving rapidly, especially for our Year 12s.- There is much to do in the term.- Most of our Year 12s came in and did their practice exams in the holidays.- They are now using their feedback to improve their performances and they will keep repeating this process, doing and redoing questions from practice exams until they sit the real exams.- Initially their poor results can be crushing, but those who go through this process keep improving and then end up with scores of which they are proud and which create opportunities for them beyond St Patrick’s College.- Every time they complete and go over a practice exam they will improve their Study Score in that subject; the link between improvement and effort could not be more direct.- Our Year 10s and 11s would do well to realise this link between effort and improvement in all that they do.- Getting as good a base as possible before Year 12 is half the battle.

Finishing well is something that we would like all our boys to do.- Socially and emotionally these last couple of weeks are really enjoyable and tiring for our Year 12s.- They are aware that we don’t have muck up day, haven’t for many years and that there is no tolerance of poor behaviour.- We do however celebrate this end of the student’s time in a positive manner on Wednesday October 24, with a student breakfast before school, some normal classes, a Leave Taking Ceremony at the end of the day (until 4pm) and the Thanksgiving Mass (7.30pm). – At this time of the year it is important that students heed the warnings about not visiting other schools; what can seem like a good idea one minute ends up looking like anything but a good idea in hindsight.- It is also encouraged that students do not drive themselves to school on the last day of classes, emotions are high and they do not need to be in charge of a vehicle.

There is still much work to be done by students at this stage, and the most relaxed celebration is at the Valedictory Dinner on November 23.