St Patrick’s College hosts ‘Break the Cycle’ event against gender based violence

August 26, 2024

In a powerful initiative to raise awareness about respectful relationships and help put an end to gender violence against women, St Patrick’s College is proud to announce the “Break the Cycle” Spin Cycle Event.

This student-led endeavour, conceived by St Patrick’s College Boarding Captain Ollie Hannaford and organised by the Student Council, will take place at the College on 30-31 August, with the goal of fostering a culture of respect and empathy within the school and the wider community.

From 4pm on Friday 30 August to 4pm on Saturday 31 August, teams of students and staff will cycle non-stop for 24 hours, symbolising the continuous effort required to break the cycle of gender violence and promote respectful relationships. This marathon event aims not only to engage participants physically but also to educate and inspire action against the deeply rooted issue of gender violence.

“The ‘Break the Cycle’ event is more than just a physical challenge,” St Patrick’s College Principal Steven O’Connor said.

“It represents our commitment to fostering an environment where respect, dignity, and equality is paramount. We are incredibly proud of our Student Council for spearheading this initiative and leading by example on such an important issue.”

Throughout the event, various educational activities and guest speakers will provide insights into the importance of respectful relationships and the impact of gender violence. These sessions aim to equip students with the knowledge and tools to become advocates for change within their own communities.

Boarding House Captain and Student Council member Oliver Hannaford emphasised the significance of the event.

“As young men, it’s crucial for us to recognise our role in promoting gender equality and ending violence against women. ‘Break the Cycle’ is our way of taking a stand, showing our commitment to these values, and saying ‘Enough is enough’,” he said.

The event, which will include a raffle and silent auction, promises to be a vibrant, community-building occasion, with students, staff, and local supporters coming together for a cause that resonates beyond the school gates. The entire community is invited to support the event by making a financial contribution or donating to the raffle and silent auction.

Proceeds from the event will be donated to Ballarat’s Raven Collective, which provides a safe and supportive environment for who have experienced domestic abuse. Through a 10-week program, Raven Collective offers paid practical employment opportunities that combine training and education.

To donate to the Break the Cycle event, click here:

For further information or to donate items to the raffle or silent auction, please contact the St Patrick’s College Development team on 5331 1688 or email