Students recall term in Japan

In Term 4, 2019 two Year 10 students were fortunate to have the experience of a lifetime after being chosen to spend a full term as exchange students in Japan. Eden Revell and Sam Tilley were selected to study at Linden Hall School in Fukuoka, on the south-western island of Kyushu. They were chosen as…

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2019 College Dux address to 2020 Academic Assembly

Following is a transcript of the speech delivered by 2019 College Dux Matthew Duffy at the 2020 Academic Assembly which was held in the Br W.T. O’Malley Sports Centre on Tuesday, February 11.  “Brothers of the clover, ladies and gentlemen, invited guests. To those of you I know and those of you I haven’t met……

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Principal’s Message

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff, and Students of St Patrick’s College, Welcome back to the 2020 school year. While it has been an incredibly busy start, it is wonderful to see our students return each year, ready for the journey ahead. In writing this first Crest for 2020, I am ever mindful that the summer break…

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Year 7 students receive new laptops

There was plenty of excitement among our new Year 7 students this week as the boys received their new laptop devices. Emblazoned with St Patrick’s College colours, each device will last the new Year 7 boys for three years. In 2020 the College is merging its Senior and Junior Digital Learning Device programs (also known…

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Old Collegian wins role in musical production

Congratulations to Old Collegian and former College Vice Captain Luke Wilson (SPC 2008-13), pictured, who has won a role in the upcoming production of “50 Shades: The Musical Parody” which will be played at Her Majesty’s Theatre later this month. Luke was a fantastic participant in school productions in his time at SPC and says…

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Year 12 students build St Patrick’s College in Minecraft

Written by Head of Computing Faculty Mr Ian Fernee The connection to 1431 Sturt Street is something that Old Boy’s of St Patrick’s College hold very dear. Whilst the community makes up the experiences of secondary school life, the location frames the experiences that students come away with. Since May 2019, several Senior School boys…

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2019 VCE and VCAL results

Deputy Principal of Teaching and Learning Mr Stephen Hill provides the following full report on the College’s 2019 VCE and VCAL results: “The month of December is a significant one for all Year 12 students across the state. Not only does it mark the official end of secondary school for these students, it is also…

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2019 College Captain’s Valedictory Address

2019 College Captain Aidan Hanrahan delivered this address at the Valedictory Dinner on Friday, November 22. *Now I said to myself I wasn’t going to cry tonight but…* Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen, and for the last time ever, it’s a pleasure to be here. Brothers, our journey together began way back almost six years…

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Flexi Boarding at St Patrick’s College

 Flexi Boarding at St Patrick’s College Did you know that St Patrick’s College offers Flexi Boarding for students from Years 7-12? Flexi Boarding offers a range of benefits including assisting with your son’s commitments to his study, extra-curricular activities (particularly early morning starts associated with rowing) and his overall education. Flexi Boarding may include Boarding…

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Wellbeing – Student Medical Profiles

Wellbeing All families are responsible for providing an up-to-date Medical Profile in PAM for their son/s in 2020 and students with medical conditions such as asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes, epilepsy, allergies or other significant health/medical conditions are required to ensure that they also provide a current Medical Action/Management Plan signed by their GP in the last…

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