Headmaster’s Address to 2019 Valedictory Dinner

The following is a transcript of the address Headmaster John Crowley delivered at the 2019 Valedictory Dinner: “Can I begin by offering a very warm welcoming to everyone here tonight: parents, carers, family members, staff, those helping us out tonight across a variety of areas and, most importantly, our Graduating Class of 2019. In offering…

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Headmaster’s Message

by St Patrick’s College Headmaster, Mr John Crowley Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last week, our thoughts and prayers were with those communities in New South Wales and Queensland who were severely impacted by the devastating bushfires. These fires were ferocious, destroying many homes and taking a number of lives.…

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Mos grow at SPC

For 11 months of the year students at St Patrick’s College are required to comply with the College’s uniform policy which dictates that boys must be clean-shaven. The only exception is Movember! This month students in the Senior School are permitted to join the Movember fundraising campaign in an effort to raise funds for and…

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Good luck to our Class of 2019

Good luck to our Class of 2019 Year 12 students, who started their final exams this week. It has been a busy year for the graduating class, who spent their final afternoon of classes at the College recently reminiscing on their previous six years, sharing their favourite and funniest memories, and generally enjoying every aspect…

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Headmaster’s Message

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last week, I was at a supermarket buying some ingredients for dinner. Whist lining up at the register, I noticed an elderly man at the checkout. He was frail and slow. He fumbled around for a considerable time searching his pockets for his money to…

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SPC grows together in Movember

Growing a mo to support mental health By Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Mr Brad Murray To continue the important discussions on men’s health at St Patrick’s College, this month, being the month of November, we will celebrate Movember. Staff and senior students have been invited to participate and we’d love to garner further support from our…

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2020 College Captain presents first address to assembly

Will Rothe, the incoming 2020 College Captain, presented his first full address to the College Community at the final full school assembly for 2019 which was held in the Br W. T. O’Malley Sports Centre on Tuesday, October 29. Following is a full transcript of Will’s speech: “Good morning invited guests, staff and fellow Paddy…

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Headmaster’s Message – October 18, 2019

Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, It is with great energy and excitement that I write my first Crest article for Term 4. As everyone will be aware, I have been away for the past two Terms: Term 2 as leave, and Term 3 as Acting EREA Regional Director for the…

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Sporting Wrap Up

Acting Director of Sport, Tina Benoit, provides a wrap-up of all sporting activities at the College. To view the sports report please click on the link below. Sports Report Term 4 Week 2

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Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 – October 17, 2019

Boarding Bulletin Board (T4) News around the Boarding Precinct • What a busy and exciting first few weeks we have had here in Boarding to start Term (4). Our Year 12 cohort spent their break sitting practice exams and attending revision classes to prepare for their upcoming VCE Examinations. The remainder of our Boarders returned…

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