April 23 – College update on COVID-19

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, Thank you to everyone who helped the College negotiate the first couple of weeks of remote and flexible learning, enforced upon us by the COVID-19 pandemic. It has been a very busy time for all involved with the College, implementing a whole new method of teaching…

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Mental Health support resources

The St Patrick’s College counselling team has created the following list of links and resources for students to access for mental health support. This list may be useful for students feeling they require extra support as the world continues to respond to the COVID-19 coronavirus.   Stay Informed https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert Online Self-Help http://braveonline.psy.uq.edu.au/ https://ecouch.anu.edu.au/welcome https://www.thedesk.org.au https://moodgym.com.au/…

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March 19 – College update on COVID-19

Dear all members of the St Patrick’s College community, As the College works its way through all issues presenting as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) we thank you for your ongoing patience, co-operation and understanding. All teaching staff are working incredibly hard behind the scenes to ensure the continuity of online teaching and learning…

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March 18 – College Update on COVID-19

Dear all members of the St Patrick’s College community, You are all probably aware that Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced this morning that schools will remain open at this stage. This decision by the Federal Government, in unison with all State and Territory Governments, follows the advice of Chief Medical Officers that to close schools…

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March 17 – College Update on COVID-19

Dear all members of the St Patrick’s College community, Happy St Patrick’s Day. While we were saddened to have to cancel our traditional St Patrick’s Day Mass and Assembly today we were fortunate to be able to celebrate by delivering giant, green donuts to each student and staff member which helped to bring smiles to…

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March 16 – College update on COVID-19

Dear all members of the St Patrick’s College community, St Patrick’s College is continuing to work in a proactive manner to address growing concerns around the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). At this stage St Patrick’s College will remain open and operational with a clear focus on classroom teaching and learning until we are otherwise directed…

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College provides update on Covid-19 (coronavirus)

Dear all members of the St Patrick’s College community, St Patrick’s College is working in a proactive manner to address growing concerns around the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). Students The College has been advised by our governing authority to exercise zero tolerance to people on College grounds displaying cold/flu-like symptoms. We ask for parent co-operation…

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Acting Principal’s Message

By Acting Principal, Mr Stephen Hill This week’s visit from Wayne Tinsey, EREA Executive Director, and Durm O’Riordan, EREA Regional Director – Southern. As I have previously communicated to you, Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) remains committed to being present and attentive to the needs of all members of the St Patrick’s College community as…

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2020 1st XVIII Football calendar

The dates for this year’s 1st XVIII Football calendar of games have been released and we would love to see you there to support our boys wearing the green, white and blue. The SPC 1st XVIII calendar is as follows:   SPC 1st XVIII Program   Opposing Team                             Date                                       Time          Venue Assumption College, Kilmore          Wednesday March 11            …

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Special message from Acting Principal, Mr Stephen Hill

Please read the following letter by St Patrick’s College Acting Principal, Mr Stephen Hill, released today, to members of the SPC community:   To the community of St Patrick’s College, The reality, consequences and emotions of John Crowley’s decision to accept EREA’s invitation to take up the position of Acting Principal of St Kevin’s College for…

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