Teaching and Learning Report – June 20, 2018
June 20, 2018
Use of Parent Access Module (PAM) to access- reports
All Years 7-12 end of semester reports will be available from 4:00pm on Friday, June 29 via PAM. Parents will have access to one or more of the following reports:
An end of semester Statement of Attainment which will provide information on:
Your son’s performance on all assessment tasks completed throughout semester one (typically as a percentage).
Feedback on his demonstration of the key work habits and work practices associated with each subject.
Attendance data.
Victorian Curriculum ratings (for most Years 7-10 subjects).
Overall VCE subject outcome, as Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory, for Senior School students completing VCE studies.
VET competencies, as Competent, Not Yet Competent or In Progress, for Years 9-12 boys completing any of the College’s VET studies.
Achievement in the Applied Learning (VCAL) program (which will be reported as a combination of Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory and Competent, Not Yet Competent or In Progress).
A VCAL report which will include:
A summary of each student’s competency on a range of units and outcomes (as Competent, Not Yet Competent and In Progress).
A series Work Habits and Practices indictors specific to key elements of the Applied Learning program
Student performance on a number of indictors linked to Employability Skills
A -‘VCAL Certificate Progress’ comment section where the Applied Learning teachers will comment directly on student progress, identifying areas of concern and aspects of student worthy of recognition.
A Pastoral Care report which outlines your son’s contribution to, and participation in, Pastoral Care (including your son’s involvement in the wide range of school-based activities and events) and the new Pastoral Care Program.
An Instrument Music report for those students participating the instrumental music program
A Boarding report for boarding students.
Consistent with State Government expectations in regards to student reports, the College’s reporting practices model contemporary procedures, providing students and parents with timely, clear and concise feedback that informs and furthers each boy’s learning journey.
Through PAM, teachers at St Patrick’s provide real-time, continuous feedback and reporting to students and parents. As parents, this means that you can now access your son’s performance an all summative assessment tasks via PAM within two weeks of the assessment being submitted. Feedback for each assessment task has been provided in one a number of forms including assessment rubrics, criterion sheets, annotated assessment tasks, or through the direct use of the written feedback section within PAM.
A PAM Parent User Guide has been written to assist you with the log-in process and to explain the key features of PAM. It can be accessed by clicking on the link within the College’s homepage (https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/). This can be accessed by clicking on the -‘Parent Access Module’ link at the bottom of the homepage.
PAM can be accessed by either clicking on the same link noted above or by going directly to the PAM site (http://pam.stpats.vic.edu.au). The PAM username and password emailed to you at the beginning of the year can be used to access these reports. Please email the College (adminsupport@stpats.vic.edu.au) or phone 5331 1688 should you require further assistance with your log-in.
Please do not hesitate to contact the College should you have any further questions or concerns regarding end of semester one reporting.
2019 subject selection process
In the coming weeks all current Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 students will complete the various aspects of the 2019 subject selection process. Subject selection can be an anxious time and the College has a variety of procedures to support both students and parents.
Firstly, parents and students should check the Term Three calendar (an updated version of this will be distributed shortly). This calendar will list the dates of each 2019 student information session, parent information session, the electronic submission of proposed subjects for 2019 (using the online subject submission portal, Web Preferences) and the return of the 2019 Student Subject Selection Guide for each year level.
Students will receive a paper copy of the relevant 2019 Information Booklet at each of the student information sessions and be emailed a PDF version of the booklet. Parents and students will also be able to access a PDF of each 2019 Information booklets via the College’s homepage. Also included on the homepage will be a copy of the PowerPoint used at each of the student information sessions
An important aspect of the 2019 subject selection process is the Subject Selection Guide which each Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 student is required to submit. This has been developed at the request of parents and students as a single subject selection document that step-by-step leads you through the various aspects of subject selection for each year level.
2019 Year 12
Current Year 11 boys attended the student information session for 2019 Year 12 this week. While at this session, each boy received a copy of the 2019 Year 12 Information Update and the 2019 Year 12 Subject Selection Guide. A copy of these documents along with the PowerPoint presentation and other related materials can accessed via the College’s homepage.
Parents of current Year 11 boys will be aware that we have previously spent a significant amount of time working together to develop a proposed Years 11 and 12 program of study for their boys. For most boys, this means that there will be little or no need for any further assistance with Year 12 subject selection for next year. Those families who would like to review previous subject selection plans or require further assistance with Year 12 subject selection can contact:
the relevant subject teacher or Head of Faculty
your son’s Year 11 Pastoral Care Tutor
Mr John Sullivan (VETiS Co-ordinator)
Ms Lyn Maniz (Applied Learning Co-ordinator)
Mr Andrew Chamings or Ms Brooke Brown (Year 12 Co-ordinators)
Mr Hamish McCrum (Director of Senior School)
- Mr Stephen Hill (Deputy Headmaster -“ Teaching and Learning)
Current Year 11 students are required to submit their 2019 Year 12 program details using Web Preferences (the online subject submission portal). Students will be emailed a link to the Web Preferences log-in, along with detailed instructions. Parents will also be sent a similar email explaining the submission procedure. Please note that a parent and student signed copy of the 2019 Web Preferences Preference Receipt is to be submitted with the Subject Selection Guide. Students are required to complete the computer entry of their proposed 2019 subject selections before the Friday, July 27 submission date.- As this is web-based, this can be completed at home or at school.