VCAL Update – March 28, 2018
March 28, 2018
Applied Learning Program
It’s been a very busy start to the year in Applied Learning. We have had involvement in a number of major projects already, including construction of the CARAVAN project, in collaboration with Loreto College, making of items for sale for the PADDYMART for St Patrick’s Day, raising funds and teaching boys project management skills, COMMUNITY SERVICE mentoring of Year 9 students who are currently constructing toys for disadvantaged young people, with timber cut by the BALLARAT WOODWORKERS GUILD , and making ceramic plates for PLATE UP BALLARAT, raising funds for the charity; DEFYING THE DRIFT, which helps young people who want to stay on the land.
Boys have now completed their portfolios for Term One and now have a range of resources fostering employability skills, including a current Resume, Occupational Health and Safety compliance certificates and other paperwork. This term the core teaching team of Mr Michael Weadon, Mr Daniel Willey and I have really embraced the challenges of meeting the needs of every boy by providing other specialized opportunities for learning. The George Hamm award, which acknowledges five areas of personal improvement, is accessible for all boys at the level they aspire toward. These Awards will be recognized at the Applied Learning Celebration Evening, on October 18 this year, from 6 pm, in the OCA pavilion. Save the date, it will be a big night when all our students’ efforts are recognized.
This year, the challenge of developing a new skill has seen some boys learning to solder electronic components. A fantastic consequence of this is that we will be endeavouring to make solar powered lights. More about this initiative later in the year. Mr Claude Procaccino has been teaching a small group of boys how to renovate a Caravan, with a view to making a pop up shop available for College events.
I am so proud of the progress we have made this term.
In practical measures, we have completed nine doll houses, five wheelbarrows, eight doll cradles and six tool boxes in collaboration with Year 9 Community Service students. We have made around 58 items which have been sold via the PaddyMart to raise funds for the Caravan renovation. We have made 125 commemorative tiepins celebrating the 125 Year anniversary of St Pat’s (available from Mr Paul Nolan for only $5.00). The tie pins were available at the 125 Year St Patrick’s day celebration, and will continue to be available for sale, but only until sold out. We have made approximately 160 ceramic plates for Plate Up Ballarat. This local event, linking local producers with local restaurants, will be celebrated throughout the month of May.
I’d like to thank Mr Peter Ryan and his team in Technology for their support this term. The assistance of the Technology Assistants, Russ and Ryan has also been invaluable. I’d also like to thank Mrs Melissa Griffin, whose dedicated guidance in the Plate Up Ballarat project is instrumental in what will be a great success in this high profile local event. Ms Janine Clements has capably stepped into the role of Applied Learning Assistant this year. We are very fortunate to have her.
Thanks to all the boys who have made the first term of the second year of the Program so rewarding.
Ms Lyn Maniz
Applied Learning Coordinator