Wellbeing Report – February 9, 2017

February 8, 2017

Dear Parents,

Welcome back to 2017. I hope your families are well and you have had a chance to spend time with your sons over the break. The greatest gift a parent can give to a child is time.

St Patrick’s New Pastoral Care Program

This year begins an exciting stage in the continuing social and emotional education of the students at St Patrick’s College. 2017 will mark the implementation of an updated Pastoral Care Program, coordinated by Mr Bradley Murray, the Year Level Coordinators and delivered by pastoral tutors in each year level.

Each year level has slightly different focuses with a common link of providing opportunities for the boys to develop their own emotional awareness, resilience and readiness for their future growth and development as boys on the journey to manhood.

Pastoral Care Program Rationale

The St Patrick’s College pastoral care program encompasses an inclusive community, where the dignity of each person is nurtured as a child formed in the image of God, where students develop and foster right relationships and are committed to the common good.- (taken- from EREA Charter)

The pastoral care program is designed to develop the whole person.- Students have the opportunity to enhance their social and emotional wellbeing through gaining skills in self-awareness, emotional intelligence, self-regulation and resilience.- (taken from DEECD Principles for Wellbeing)

Pastoral Care Policy / Details

The pastoral care program provides a sequenced curriculum from year 7 to 12, focused on developing the whole person, with the broad objective of developing and enhancing student work ethic, behaviour, resilience, and academic results.- The program centers around the model of social and emotional learning (SEL).- SEL curriculum is designed to assist students in building resilience, making good decisions, coping skills, managing conflict and emotions.- As a sub-set of the core SEL curricula, students will also gain an understanding in building and maintaining respectful relationships, cyber safety, child protection, and mindfulness.

Please take some time to click on the following link that explains the focus of each year level.https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/en/st-patricks-college/pastoral-care/

I would like to thank Mr Murray and the Year Level Coordinators for all their hard work and passion in developing this program throughout 2016 in readiness for delivery to the students in 2017

An OXFAM Adventure

Two College staff members Chris Neilsen and Michael Weadon along with two others have formed a team to complete the 100 Km OXFAM trail walker in April.- These hardy and intrepid souls, though they would describe themselves as foolhardy, – have committed to walking 100 km in less than 48 hours together as a team to raise money for the well-known aid organisation called OXFAM. Please click on the following link for more information about the important work of OXFAM. – https://www.oxfam.org.au

You can check out the trail map that Chris and Michael are walking. – https://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/melbourne/trail/

They are committed to not only completing this gruelling walk but to also raise at least $1400 for this great cause.- So, – in the spirit of the forthcoming season of Lent and because the St. Patrick’s College is committed to the Touchstone of Justice and Solidarity, supporting education and fighting poverty, – we invite you to make a donation through this webpage: https://trailwalker.oxfam.org.au/my/team/27249

Any donation over $5 is tax deductible and very much appreciated.

Finally, please see an excerpt from a welcome back speech that I gave to the boys on their return at our first assembly of the year.

As this year begins I would like you to take home three messages.

-¦We have an exciting term ahead, full of lots of great school events. Please get involved.

Be in the right place at the right time, in right clothes, with the right haircut doing the right thing, and most importantly with a positive, growth mindset to all your subjects and teachers, especially the subject that interests you the least.

We want you to look after yourself and others. Older boys, you need to and are expected be looking after younger students, on afternoon buses, in the playground, at the canteen. This is especially important when teachers are busy or not there. In fact, the test of whether we are setting you up for a good life when you leave St Patrick’s College is built upon how you act when we, or your parents, are not there.-

I hope the school year has started well for your sons.

Take Care

God Bless

Mr Gerard Sullivan-

Deputy Headmaster – Wellbeing