Where are they now – Frank Caulfield (SPC 1951-56)
February 23, 2021
We recently reconnected with Old Collegian Frank Caulfield (SPC 1951-56), who recently wrote to the College to share some of his memories of his time as a student in the 1950s. Frank’s father Joseph Caulfield attended SPC in the 1920s. With his permission, we have reprinted part of Frank’s letter, which includes some truly marvellous memories of his time at SPC.
“Thank you for the Green, White and Blue Newsletter – Edition 38, and its great content of past and present exploits of the sons of St Pat’s. From my observations there remains yet just a few of us octogenarians and it is so heart-warming to view photos in this newsletter of Peter Morris, Brian Costigan, Jock Lardner and Vincent Quinn.
It is 64 years to the month since last I passed through the portals of St Pat’s.
My interest in reconnection with my Alma Mater is kindled mainly by the publishing in this edition of records and photographs of rowing crews of the 1950s or thereabouts.
In that time frame I was Stroke of the victorious 1955 Third Crew, and in 1956, Stroke of the less victorious First Crew.
I have attached photos of the respective crews, noting my physical change in 12 months… in one year, a boy… next year, a man!
In conclusion, I pay tribute to the man whose influence upon me in my formative years contributed directly to my professional development and 40 years’ active, at-the-coalface involvement in Education :-
“Brother Bill” (Brother William Theodore O’Malley) (1900 – 1976) – a proud yet humble man, a mentor and a friend, a role model with possible but rare equals.
Brother Bill!… Maths and Latin, Football and Athletics, Saturday morning school, and 1954!
1954!! The year our SPC 1st XV111 succumbed to “Spike” Birt’s Ballarat College 1st XV111.
Bill did not speak in class for a week.
Brother Bill’s 1954 “Inter. A” (you haven’t been to St Pat’s if you weren’t in Bill’s 1954 Inter. A). Hands up, survivors!
In his frequent reports on the Sports Notice Board, invariably Bill commenced his report with: “Congratulations and Felicitations!”
His sign out: “Well done, St Pat’s!”
And his centrepiece was all about “St Pat’s Spirit”.
My addendum: “Nil desperandum!”
During my six years boarding at SPC, I became aware of Bro Bill’s throat condition and his need for specific medication. Hence, in the years after my graduation I enlisted the aid of local Ballarat classmate (whose profession was linked to prescription medicines) to ensure that Bill’s larynx was lubricated adequately. I believe he was in receipt of “TEACHER’S” medication at regular intervals from various, anonymous sources.
In memory of Bro Bill, Bro Jack Healy, Bro Bernie Healy, Bro Ernie Smith, Bro Herb Williams, Bro Tom Mullins and Mr Tom Halliburton.
Yours sincerely,
Frank Caulfield (SPC 1951-56)”