The boat is a bow steered coxed quad / sweep four, and is in near new condition, as it was a demonstration boat.
This purchase is only possible due to an extraordinary donation from the Old Collegians Association of $15,000, and the boat will be named the Old Collegians.
The College is very grateful for this financial support from our Old Collegians Association who are constantly providing great support for all students.
This donation follows a $40,000 gift in 2020 to provide fee relief for needy families, a $20,000 donation in 2019 to build the Year 12 study centre and a $50,000 contribution to the construction of the boarding precint.
This new boat will be at least the third boat to be named in honour of the Old Collegians, including the famous 1990 boat displayed at the College in the main entrance corridor.
College Director of Rowing Brendan Scott said the BAS rowing program is shifting towards all Year 9 crews racing in quads (two oars each), hence the need for this acquisition.
“Last season only Div 1 and 2 raced the quad, this season all year 9 crews are moving to quad sculling,” Mr Scott said.
“With this, there’s a need to acquire and upgrade existing boats to quadruple sculls, to ensure we can provide opportunities to as many boys as possible to be involved in SPC rowing.
“The new boat comes with both quad and sweep quick release riggers and will be shared by both Year 9s and 10s as a quad and sweep boat
“We will also be converting two other existing boats to quads to ensure we have the boats needed for transition to quad sculling. “
Once again a big thank you to the Old Collegians Association for their ongoing support in all things SPC rowing.