It was a whirlwind wedding of massive proportions for Old Boy Lachlan McLean (SPC 2005-10) and his bride Hannah Broomby, who were caught up in Victoria’s recent five-day COVID hard lockdown.
The pair managed to reorganise their wedding in an amazing two-hour timeframe after Premier Dan Andrews announced the snap state lockdown on Friday February 12, 2021.
Lachlan and Hannah, who had planned their dream day, for the following day, made the quick decision to bring their dream day forward, especially given Hannah’s family had already arrived in Ballarat from their NSW home in Quandialla, and were now presented with the reality of needing to reach the NSW border by midnight that night.
In the space of two hours, the wedding venue was decorated, celebrant and suppliers were notified and generously stood up to the challenge and guests were changing their Friday plans and hot-footing it to the beautiful Mt Mitchell Homestead, at Lexton, where Lachlan and Hannah were married in a special ceremony at 4pm Friday afternoon. Amazingly, despite the mad scramble, only five guests were unable to attend.
Lachlan was ably assisted by his brother Hayden (SPC 2003-08) as best man and Old Boy Sean Keem (SPC 2005-10) as a groomsman.
Although it was not what the couple had planned, Lachlan and Hannah had a great night, even though Hannah’s family all had to leave at 7.30pm to get back across the NSW border.
Congratulations to Lachlan and Hannah!