Our Old Collegians have been busy, including:

- Fabulous to see the four O’Brien brothers, Justin (SPC 2005-10), Nick (2006-11), Jarrod (SPC 2011-16) and Dean (SPC 2013-18) lining up to play footy together for Carngham-Linton this season, and celebrating the club’s first senior win since 2019. To read more, click here

- Luke Sizeland (SPC 1997-2002), who was representing four generations of descendants of Ballarat master saddle maker TW Purdue in this story here
- Let’s hope Cooper Craig-Peters (SPC 2014-19) is okay after receiving a suspected leg injury during Redan’s game against East Point at the weekend, read more here
- Old Boy LeRoy Hand (SPC 1993-98) assured customers recently that his Orchard Café will be staying put in Lucas, Ballarat following the announced departure of Wilsons Fruit and Vegetables in this story here
- Anita Frawley, wife of the late Danny Frawley (SPC 1976-79, PY1981) spoke of her family’s pain while speaking at a recent senate inquiry into concussions in this story here
- Old Collegian Will Cousens (SPC 2006-10, PY2011) is excited in his role of president of the Victoria Park Football Club following the official opening of the new $3.1m sports pavilion, to read more click here
Will Cousens, left. Photo Kate Healy -
Wayne Bourke. Photo Gabrielle Hodson Great to see Old Collegian and local firey Wayne Bourke (SPC 1964-68, PY1969) trying out the new $144,000 Rehab Support truck which has arrived at the Smythesdale Fire Brigade station and can be manned by medically-minded firefighters to help at emergencies. To read more, click here
- Great to hear from Old Boy Craig McLean (SPC 1984-89) who is living in London and has established a successful chiropractic business abroad. To read more about Craig’s life now, click here
Jared Mulholland. Photo Kate Healy -
Garth Horsfield. Photo The Courier Great to see Jared Mulholland (SPC 2000-03, PY2005) talking to the big animals in his role as operations manager at Ballarat Wildlife Park in this story here
- Old Boy Garth Horsfield (SPC 1982-85, PY1987) was out celebrating the launch of a family member’s new book on history of Ballarat’s Chinese families, read more here
Andrew Ferguson, second from left. Photo: The Courier
- Fantastic to see Old Boy Andrew Ferguson (SPC 1994-99) among those supporting the Ballarat Base Hospital’s youngest patients by raising funds in a charity golf day recently, read more here
If you have any news on our Old Collegians, please contact Alumni and Foundation Officer Lorrie Liston via email at lliston@stpats.vic.edu.au