Old Boys reminisce on SPC tour

Peter McGuire, Terry Gastin, Bernie Colbert and Peter Hillier.

We were thrilled to welcome back several Old Collegians for a tour around the College recently.

Terry Gastin (SPC 1967-70), Bernie Colbert (SPC 1965-67, PY1968), Peter McGuire (SPC 1962, PY1965) and Peter Hillier made the most of the opportunity to walk the hallways and grounds with us during a day trip to Ballarat to play golf.

For some of the Old Boys, it was the first time they had been back on the grounds since they left school. Bernie was a day student from Sebastopol, while Terry and Peter were boarders, Terry from Bendigo, and Peter from Werrimull, near Swan Hill.

Thank you to these Old Boys for reconnecting with us!


Terry, pictured in his Form 6 class photograph, as published in the 1970 College Annual.
Bernie, pictured in his Form 3 class photograph, as published in the 1967 College Annual.
Peter, pictured in his Under 15 Cricket team photograph, as published in the 1962 College Annual.




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