Old Boys turn out at Paddies Emerald Autumn lunch

The Paddies seasonal lunches continue to grow in popularity with more than 40 Old Collegians converging on South Melbourne’s Emerald Hotel for the Autumn lunch at the start of March.

From top left, Maurice Hanrahan (SPC 1956-58, PY1960), Alan Swindon (SPC 1958-59, PY1960), Peter Nolan (SPC 1958-59, PY1960); at front, John Ardlie (SPC 1957-60, PY1961), Ron Collins (SPC 1958-61) and Brian Tellefson (SPC 1951-56). Bill Bell (SPC 1951-57, PY1958) was absent from the photograph.

There was a wide range of ages represented at the gathering, with a good 20-year age difference reported from youngest to eldest, including seven Octogenarians, Maurice Hanrahan (SPC 1956-58, PY1960), Alan Swindon (SPC 1958-59, PY1960), Peter Nolan (SPC  1958-59, PY1960), John Ardlie (SPC 1957-60, PY1961), Ron Collins (SPC 1958-61), Brian Tellefson (SPC 1951-56) and Bill Bell (SPC 1951-57, PY1958).


Organised by Old Collegians Noel Sheehan (SPC 1964-70) and Michael Dowd (SPC 1964-69), the lunches are held on the first Friday of every season at the Emerald Hotel, in South Melbourne, and they have become a warm and welcome gathering spot for our SPC Old Collegians.

A highlight of the March lunch was the introduction of SPC Legend Michael Kearney’s (SPC 1962-67) book, Coley’s Champs, with a copy of this great book donated to the Old Boy who had travelled the furthest.

This happened to be Old Collegian Chris Brown (SPC 1966-67, PY1968), from Walpeup, near Ouyen in north-western Victoria, a mere 480km trip!

Co-organisers Noel and Michael reported there was great interest in Michael’s book and for those interested, Coley’s Champs is available at:

  • Avenue bookstores in the Melbourne suburbs of Richmond, Albert Park and Elsternwick
  • Readings bookstore in Carlton, or
  • Website: coleyschampsbook.com.au

The next Paddies Emerald Lunch will be held, co-inciding with the start of winter. For more information, please contact organisers Michael Dowd via email at mjdowd@hotmail.com or phone 0407 680 682 or Noel Sheehan via email at noel@stafforgserv.com.au or phone 0418 509 809.

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