Old Collegians Association 2020 Annual General Meeting

Michael Kearney resigned from the OCA Committee after decades of dedicated service.

The St Patrick’s College Old Collegians Association (OCA) conducted its 2020 Annual General Meeting last night (Monday, April 27) – the first time it had conducted an online meeting due to social distancing regulations.

Connecting via Microsoft Teams, members of the OCA were able to conduct the election of office bearers for the 2020-21 calendar year, welcome some new committee members and farewell one long-serving member.

Incumbent OCA President Allan McKinnon (SPC 1966-69) was re-elected unopposed for his third year in the top role.

Former College Captain Ben Martin (SPC 2009-14) was re-elected as Vice President.

After five years in the role Treasurer James Edmends (SPC 2004-09) stepped down from the position but will remain a committee member. His successor as Treasurer will be former OCA Secretary and former College Vice Captain David Adams (SPC 2009-14).

Replacing David as Secretary will be another former College Captain Stephen Kirby (SPC 2004-2009).

The OCA was also delighted to welcome new committee members Peter Howley (SPC 1964-66) who has had previous stints on the committee, including as President during the Collge’s centenary celebrations in 1993 and was also instrumental in organising the 125th anniversary celebration dinner in 2018, and Michael Cappello (SPC 2014-18).

Sadly, we also farewelled long-standing committee member and immediate Past President Michael Kearney (SPC 1962-67) who has formally stepped down from the committee after decades of outstanding contribution.

For many years Michael has been the heartbeat of the OCA and has been its most passionate supporter. His contribution can not be over-stated and he will be sorely missed.

The College is pleased however that Michael will continue his long-standing affiliation with the school as an ongoing member of the SPC Foundation Committee.

Following the AGM, the 2020-21 OCA Committee will now be comprised of the following members:

Allan McKinnon (President) (SPC 1966-69)
Ben Martin (Vice President) (SPC 2009-14)
David Adams (Treasurer) (SPC 2009-14)
Stephen Kirby (Secretary) (SPC 2004-09)

James Edmends (SPC 2004-09)
Chris Torpy (SPC 1989-94)
David McMahon (SPC 1989-94)
Stephen McMahon (SPC 1986-91)
Shane Hayes (SPC 1989-94)
Joel Banks (SPC 2000-05)
Martin Healy (SPC 1981-86)
Jude Jeandet (SPC 2013-18)
Kieran Murnane (SPC 1988-93)
Mitchell Tuddenham (SPC 2012-17)
Peter Howley (SPC 1963-66)
Michael Cappello (SPC 2014-18)

Ex-officio members:
Charlie Flynn (Board representative) (SPC 1971-72)
Peter Wilson (Foundation chair) (SPC 1959-65)
Stephen Hill (Principal)
Paul Nolan (Executive Officer) (SPC 1991-93)

Anyone wishing to make contact with the OCA is urged to email oca@stpats.vic.edu.au


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