Old Collegians make donation to assist families in COVID-19

The St Patrick’s College Old Collegians Association (OCA) will donate $50,000 to help the St Patrick’s College community manage the impact of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

The OCA will donate $40,000 directly to the College to help assist current families whose income has been affected by the crisis.

In addition, the OCA has provided a further injection of $10,000 to be used in its Pastoral Care Program which aims to support Old Collegians through challenging times.

OCA President Allan McKinnon said the wellbeing of the broader College community is the primary focus of the committee.

“When presented with difficult times such that we are all experiencing right now, the OCA wants to be a voice of support and comfort,” Mr McKinnon said.

“Through our close association with the College we are aware that many current parents may have recently lost their job or had their income reduced and are worried about their ongoing ability to have their son at St Patrick’s College.

“While the College has assured these families that their son’s enrolment is secure, such a commitment carries financial cost. The OCA wants to be able to help the College manage these costs and we believe this donation of $40,000 will assist in that regard.”

OCA President Allan McKinnon

Mr McKinnon said the supplementary injection of funds into the Pastoral Care Program will also be of great assistance to Old Collegians.

“This money will be used to purchase items such as supermarket vouchers or groceries to provide assistance for Old Collegians who may need a helping hand,” Mr McKinnon said.

“We know from running our Pastoral Care Program for several years now that the donation of one week’s worth of groceries, while essentially a small gesture, can make a substantial difference.

“We are very proud of our Pastoral Care Program and want to really expand its ability to help during this unfolding health and economic crisis.”

The distribution of assistance is managed through the OCA by the College’s Alumni and Foundation Officer Ms Lorrie Liston.

Mr McKinnon invited members of the community to contact Mrs Liston directly with either requests for assistance or suggestions of others who may need a helping hand. Mrs Liston’s email address is lliston@stpats.vic.edu.au

“The OCA supports the College’s endeavours to promote the wellbeing and welfare of all in our community as the number one priority at all times,” Mr McKinnon said.

“This donation will be just the OCA’s first step towards assisting the community in the coming months and years.”

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St Patrick’s College Foundation is supported by community donations, driving the expansion of its programs and facilities.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.