Performing Arts Report – May 13, 2016

Proposed 2017 USA Performing Arts Tour

An exciting development is being proposed for the Co-Curricular Performing Arts at St. Patrick’s College. We are currently taking expressions of interest for a Performing Arts Tour to New York City, which would be held in the 2017 Term One school holidays (Thursday March 30 -“ Tuesday April 11). The tour will be offered to students who are currently in Years 9, 10 and 11.

The tour itinerary is being developed with G.E.T Educational Tours, Australia’s largest and most experienced educational tour provider. The tour will feature a range of opportunities for the students involved including the chance to participate in three acting workshops with Broadway professionals, the opportunity to attend two Broadway shows and the chance to visit many of the famous New York City landmarks.

Students hoping to participate in the tour will need to download a tour application form from the College website and submit this to Headmaster Mr. John Crowley by Friday May 27 at 5:00pm.

Further information regarding the proposed itinerary, tour logistics and costs involved can be obtained from the College website at the following link:

Greg Shawcross

Head of Co-Curricular Performance

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