Public appeal to add to College wartime honour boards

SPC Old Collegians’ Association president Allan McKinnon, left, with College archivist Halina Sztynda and former staff member and serviceman Brian Broadribb in front of the some of the College’s wartime Honour Boards in the College Chapel.

Old Collegians and their families are being urged to help us as we embark on a call out to update our wartime honour boards in the St Patrick’s College Old Collegians Chapel to include new Australian Defence personnel and peacekeepers.

Former staff member and former serviceman Brian Broadribb visited the College to discuss potential grant opportunities announced by the Minister for Veteran Affairs with funding available to support a wide range of projects, from new memorials and refurbishment costs, to exhibitions, digital resources, and publications.

The Saluting Their Service program has seen hundreds of worthy projects across Australia funded in recent years, to help local communities pay tribute to Australians who have served during wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.

Brian recently met with the College’s president of the Old Collegians’ Association, Allan McKinnon and St Patrick’s College Archivist Halina Sztynda to discuss submitting a grant proposal.

As part of the call out to St Patrick’s College Old Collegians, we are seeking:

  • the names and details of service of all Old Collegians who, whilst members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), saw operational service in either of Iraq and/or Afghanistan wars;
  • In addition to operational service, the College is seeking any former Old Collegians who have served in peacekeeping operations, worked as plumbers, electricians, doctors, engineers etc. Post WWII.

It is proposed the new ADF names will be added to the existing Honour Boards. With the vision to add a new honour board to include Old Collegians that have served in peacekeeping operations or who have supported countries that have experienced conflict.

The Old Collegians’ Association strongly supports this project and we invite service details to be provided to the College as soon as possible to enable completion of this important historical work.

Please forward your details of service to Halina at

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