The College recently reconnected with former day student Rhys Brasser (SPC 2014-15) who was able to live out his dreams and travel abroad before COVID came crashing down on the world. Rhys is now finishing his final year of a uni degree to become a social worker and has hopes to enter the police force one day.
Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Oh gosh, where do I even begin. It’s fair to say that my life has been a rollercoaster since graduating in 2015. I studied Bachelor of Business/Accounting as a double degree at Fed Uni, unfortunately I deferred after my second year as I wasn’t enjoying the course or my time at uni, so I decided to work full time at my job until I decided what I wanted to do.
In 2018, I travelled overseas to central Europe and the UK for six weeks. I had an absolute blast, it was one of the best experience I’ve had in my life.
In 2020, I began a new venture at Fed Uni. I decided that I wanted to study Bachelor of Community and Human Services and I am currently in my final year this year. My aim for the future is to be a social worker and use my knowledge and experience in the field to hopefully one day join the police force.
What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
I think one of the best memories that I have of St Pat’s was initially starting at the school in 2014. Having moved from Melbourne it was another fresh start for me and being at St Pat’s was a massive improvement from my old school in Melbourne. So settling in was a good memory that I have. But also, finishing Year 12, the school did an amazing job in acknowledging our graduation and providing us with the opportunity to finish our time at the school on a high.

Which teacher from your time at SPC has the greatest impact on you? Why?
It’s hard to pick one, but I would say Mr (Ross) Wise. I remember the first class I had with him in Year 11 English, he casually stated that he got a 99.95 ATAR when he finished school which was an interesting icebreaker. But he was always engaging to listen to, and it was important for me to pick his brains and take any advice I could, for example, I would hand him a copy of my essay drafts when I was in Year 12 (even though he wasn’t my English teacher and he was still happy to read them) and he would give me advice that was crucial for my assignments and my exam. I keep in touch him every now and then so it’s great that I have that relationship with him today. Other honourable mentions though are Mr (Geoff) Brodie who I had for Economics in Year 11 and 12 and Religious Education in Year 12 and Mr (Eamonn) Nolan who I had for General Maths in Year 11 and 12.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Enjoy your time at St Pat’s. There will be challenges at school but if you persevere then you’ll look back at your time and realise that you made the most of your experience. Also, it’ll set you up for the real world and you’ll be ready to face the challenges that life throws at you.