The College recently reconnected with Sam Rowe (SPC 1995-98), at their Hydrant Food Hall in Ballarat’s CBD. It’s great to see Sam has collaborated with and employs numerous other Old Boys in the new business.

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Like most people I left Ballarat after I finished school, lived in Ireland for a year working at The Morrison Hotel and other pubs, then back to Australia to work in various parts of Western Australia and Melbourne in hospitality and driving trucks on and off until I returned to Ballarat to start my family with my wife Elise (nee Delahunty) (from Loreto College). I started my career in hospitality straight after I finished school in 1998, after St Patrick’s, I attended a two-day hospitality course conducted through St Patrick’s and I thought it would be good to give it a go and I love it. From there I had worked in hospitality for 15 years (except from a five-year stint working in the mines of West Australia and driving B Double trucks for Watson Bulk Logistics with (Joel Watson SPC 1993-98).
What are your favourite memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
My favourite memories of St Patrick’s College would be the Boarding aspect. I gained lifelong friends that have become family to my wife and I. The skills I learnt while boarding have become an integral part of my hospitality career.
Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
The teacher that had the biggest impact on me while I attended school was Mrs Margaret Leahy. I wasn’t the best student at school and I thank her for encouraging me through Year 11 and to continue on to complete Year 12. All through my childhood I couldn’t read, struggled to spell and had concentration difficulties. I started at St Patrick’s in Year 9 and within the first term, the teachers realised that I actually need glasses as I couldn’t see. So I thank all the teachers for the professionalism.
How has your education shaped your professional life?
The education I received from St Patrick’s College has shaped my professional life greatly. Knowing what questions to ask in life is a very simple concept but one that I find invaluable. The support St Patrick’s showed me during my teenage years helped blend me into what I am today.
How has your time at SPC shaped your personal values and your family life?
Being a boarder at St Patrick’s set the foundations of my personal life, shaping me into a person that can handle all types of situations. Surrounded by 90 other boarders day and night- taught me to become tolerant, patient and do onto others what you’d have them do.
If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
Be kind to people. You don’t have to get along with everyone, just be be polite and always say hello.