The College recently reconnected with Old Collegian Scott Petrie (SPC 1994-99), who is a well-known face to many in the local real estate sector and also supports fellow Old Collegians through his participation in the Jimmy’s Licorice Allsorts cycling team, raising a massive $60,000-plus in the Murray to Moyne Cycle Relay at the weekend, with these crucial funds going towards cancer research. Scott kindly took some time to share some of his memories of life at SPC and we congratulate Scott and the Jimmy’s Licorice Allsorts team on a job well done!

Where has life taken you since leaving SPC?
Following the completion of my VCE 1999, I joined my father in real estate, and 23 years later I’m still helping people with their real estate needs in Ballarat and surrounding districts. I am married to Andrea, and together we are proud parents of Madison (Year 10 at Loreto), Lachlan (Year 8 at SPC) and Lily (Year 5 at St Thomas More).
Do you have family ties with SPC?
Yes, Lachlan is currently in Year 8 at SPC.

What are your fondest memories of your time at St Patrick’s College?
The comradery of the SPC students is powerful and the friendships made are lifelong. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a student at SPC. In saying that the advancement of the school and the opportunities provided to the students now is outstanding.

Which teacher from your time at SPC had the greatest impact on you? Why?
I think back to my first days in year 7 at SPC, I had a broken arm and couldn’t carry my school bag. John Williamson was my Year 7 teacher and he met me at the gate and carried my bag for me for this first week. Obviously, he didn’t have to do this, but his caring nature, I have never forgotten.

How has your education shaped your professional life?
The principles of care, honesty, and reliability have all carried onto my professional life.

If you could pass on one message to the students of today, what would it be?
I always say school is the best time of your life. You build friendships for life, whilst developing the foundations that set your platform for your personal and professional life.
Tell us about how you became involved in Jimmy’s Licorice Allsorts?
We started riding as a group to keep fit (or at least try to) and with Jimmy’s (Old Collegian Jim Waight SPC 1985-90) personal battles and his passion to find a cure for cancer, we agreed to fundraise for the Fiona Elsey Cancer Research Centre. As I write this, we have almost ticked over $60,000 in fundraising for 2023. That goes with the $125,000 raised in 2021/22. This year we have two current SPC students and six SPC Old Collegians in our team.

Have you been involved since its inception?
I participated in the 2021 Murray to Moyne and was unfortunately not able to complete the 2022 ride. Lachlan was to have ridden this year with us, but unfortunately has fractured his thumb, which required surgery. He will be on the bus supporting us, which will be great.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you to all who have supported the Jimmy Licorice Allsorts so far. It’s never too late to support though. Please visit