A good-sized crowd relaxed in the St Patrick’s Day spirit at our annual 2023 SPC Old Collegians’ Association St Patrick’s Day Lunch on Friday, March 17.
Guests were able to take advantage of their prime location in the Old Collegians’ Association Pavilion, overlooking the Main Oval, where they were able to watch with interest as our current students took part in various fun St Patrick’s Day activities, including House competitions, comprising tunnel ball races and fiercely-contested Tug of War contests.
We thank Old Collegian Fr Eugene McKinnon (SPC 1965-66) for his entertaining stories as guest speaker, regaling the crowd with hilarious tales of his life as a priest, as well as shocking tales from his experience of working as a priest in the impoverished communities and sometimes dangerous situations of Papua New Guinea.
We also welcomed back the Class of 1963 for their 60-Year Reunion, with about a dozen Old Collegians travelling far and wide to return to catch up and reminisce with their peers.
It was also wonderful to welcome back former College Principal Dr Peter Casey, who enjoyed the opportunity to catch up with many familiar faces, including one of his former students, Chris Saunders (SPC 2011-15), who is working at SPC with the Clontarf Foundation, and who we must thank for presenting the Acknowledgement of Country, while also sharing his insight into the joy of returning to St Pat’s this year as a staff member.
Our St Patrick’s Day Lunch is always a wonderful day of connection and community and we thank all those who joined us this year.