Showcasing the many and varied endeavours of our Old Collegians to the greater community provides great joy as well as inspiring our current students to dream big at the same time.
We are truly fortunate to have so many Old Collegians who have generously shared their life stories with the College, reminisced of their fondest memories of their school days, shared the twists and turns of life after leaving SPC and have been keen to impact their own key piece of advice to our current students of today.
It was with this in mind that we decided to find a way to share these messages and stories from and about our Old Boys with our current students in a much more visible way.
To do this, the College has recently designed and produced A3-sized posters featuring initially about a dozen of our Old Collegians, sharing their stories of life and careers and most importantly, their key pieces of advice to current students.
So, please enjoy a sneak peek at these new posters, which we plan to display around the College for current students, staff and visitors, to read as they walk around the College. We also plan to keep updating the posters so that the great life stories of our many Old Collegians continue to provide inspiration to our students in our mission of raising fine boys to the status of great men.