SPC community out in full force at 2025 St Patrick’s Day Lunch

Dan Hickey (SPC 1970-76) chats with Stephen Byrne (SPC 1970-76) and Andrew Byrne (SPC 1970-75) at the 2025 St Patrick's Day Lunch celebrations.

The St Patrick’s Day spirit was truly on show this year with a large crowd coming together for our popular annual St Patrick’s Day lunch.

New friendships were made and long-lost connections rediscovered in this wonderful display of community.

Fr Eladio Lizada chats with former College Headmasters Br Bill Wilding, Dr Peter Casey AM and College Principal Steven O’Connor at the 2025 St Patrick’s Day Lunch.

The College and Old Collegians’ Association committee were delighted to welcome over 120 members of our College community, including former College Headmasters Br Bill Wilding and Dr Peter Casey AM, alongside College Principal Steven O’Connor, College Legends and many Old Collegians.

There were plenty of flashes of green marking the special day with many of our Old Boys proudly wearing their beloved Old Collegian ties in the true SPC spirit.

Peter Morris (SPC 1949-55 & former staff) chats with Adrienne and Kevin Leitch (SPC 1949-55).

We welcomed back three reunion groups, the Class of 1975 for their 50-Year Reunion, the Class of 1965 for their 60-Year Reunion, and a special reuniting of the Class of 1955 Intermediate A celebrating their 70th anniversary.

Thank you also to our guest speaker, Old Collegian and internationally-acclaimed artist Wayne Elliott (SPC 1973-75), who celebrated the creativity of the College’s current and former students.

“The creative arts have the ability to take us to places we have never been and remind us of places we have been. It captures a moment in time,” said Wayne.

Guest speaker, Old Collegian and internationally-acclaimed artist Wayne Elliott (SPC 1973-75).

He spoke of his joy of learning the College had reintroduced its prestigious Flanagan Art Prize this year, and of the Old Collegian and Head Prefect, Noel Flanagan (SPC 1929-35), whom it is named after.

After witnessing and surviving the horrors of World War II and vowing that the efforts of those who had died should “never be forgotten”, Noel Flanagan was appointed as the Director and Curator of the Australian War memorial in Canberra.

Wayne told the crowd Noel realised the importance of photography, literature, paintings and sculptures to curate and tell a story about the Australian experience at war.

“And when you distil it down to its core – that’s exactly what art is – a way to tell the story of the human experience.”

In sharing his own story, Wayne said the more he has painted, the more he has come to realise that his process is heavily reliant on walking through the landscape.

“Not trying to think too much about it but absorbing the world around me like a sponge.”


Drawn mainly to landscapes, Wayne said he was delighted to be able to enter one of his paintings entitled ‘Yepereyne/Emily Gap’ in this year’s Flanagan Art Prize.

Wayne was later announced as runner-up of this year’s Flanagan Art Prize for his joyous work inspired by the landscapes of central Australia.

Wayne’s extensive work has been shown nationally and internationally including Canada, Poland and the United States.

“My first international exhibition was in New York in 2000, titled ‘Australian landscapes’.  One day in the early hours of the morning, I woke to a phone call from the curator of the exhibition to tell me that my painting “Oaks Day” was stolen from the exhibition.

“I had to complete a New York Police report and the painting never turned up again but fortunately I did get the insurance payout. Sadly for the thieves, it probably wasn’t quite the ‘Mona Lisa grand heist’ they were hoping for!”

Wayne attended SPC in the 1970s as a boarder from Derrinallum, in western Victoria, following in the footsteps of his father, Jack Elliott (SPC 1947-51).

“Dad himself wasn’t an artist. In fact, it might’ve been the only thing he wasn’t a natural at. But he did love a good story.”

For those at our St Patrick’s Day lunch, it was a day full of lively conversation, joyful reunions and reminiscings, and new memories being made.


While our current students enjoyed fun St Patrick’s Day activities on the Main Oval, Class of 1975 College Captain Brian Brown and Class of 1965 College Captain Frank Vagg spoke, offering warm welcomes to their reunion groups.

Members of the Class of 1975 enjoy the day to catch up at their 50-Year Reunion, which co-ordinated with the 2025 St Patrick’s Day Lunch celebrations.
These Old Collegians had a very enjoyable day, and include members of the Class of 1965 who came together for their 60-Year Reunion this year.

It was extra special to welcome eight members of the 1955 Intermediate A Class to our lunch for their 70-year anniversary.

And for the majority of this small group, it was the first time they had sat side by side since their school days.

Members of the 1955 Intermediate A Class, from left, Phonse Cunningham, Brian Costigan, Tony Ryan, Leon Gleeson, Des Martin, Ted Vaughan, Br Michael Godfrey and Peter Tierney.

A special framed print of their class photograph was presented by president of the Old Collegians’ Association, Dr Charles Flynn (SPC 1971-72), to each classmate in attendance, which included Brian Costigan (SPC 1952-55, PY1957), Phonse Cunningham (SPC 1955-58), Br Michael Godfrey (SPC 1953-56, PY1957), Leon Gleeson (SPC 1950-55, PY1957), Des Martin (SPC 1953-56), Tony Ryan (SPC 1952-57), Peter Tierney (SPC 1954-57) and Ted Vaughan (SPC 1952-56, PY1957).

Our thanks to Leon Gleeson who was the driver behind bringing this group back together for a special day of reconnections.

President of the SPC Old Collegians’ Association, Dr Charles Flynn presents a special framed photograph to the 1955 Intermediate A class member Leon Gleeson.

A warm welcome was also extended by our master of ceremonies, the College’s Business Manager Andrew Jirik (SPC 1980-85) to our College Legends in attendance, including Gerard FitzGerald (SPC 1973, PY1975), Dennis Foley (SPC 1967-72), Michael Kearney (SPC 1962-67), Prof Terry Lloyd (SPC 1959-63), Jamie McKew OAM (SPC 1960-65), John Mooney OAM (SPC 1960-65) and Peter Wilson (SPC 1959-65).

College Legend John Mooney OAM with his College cap and athletics singlet, which he kindly donated to the College’s archives.

And thank you to College Legend John Mooney OAM, who donated his immaculately pristine College cap and SPC athletics singlet from his school days to the College archives. Thanks to College archivist Halina Sztynda for providing a fabulous array of SPC memorabilia as well as the College’s timeline, which is now available to view at the College’s emerging History & Heritage Space, located next to front reception.

It is always special to bring our St Patrick’s College community together and we thank all those who joined us this year for a memorable St Patrick’s Day!

Brian Kennedy (SPC 1965-66, PY1967), James Coghlan (SPC 1962-67), Dennis Foley (SPC 1967-72) and Michael Kearney (SPC 1962-67).
Norman Houghton OAM (SPC 1963-65) and Frank Carrucan (SPC 1960-65) catch up at their Calss of 1965 60-Year Reunion as part of the St Patrick’s Day Lunch celebrations.
Maurie Anglin (SPC 1959-65), Michael Meere (SPC 1960-63, PY1965) and Jamie McKew OAM (SPC 1960-65).
Des Leyden (SPC 1962-65) and Ray Ball (SPC 1962-65).
Marcus Coppock (SPC 1967-71, PY1972), Gerard Murphy (SPC 1966-70, PY1971), Allan McKinnon (SPC 1966-69) and Danny Merrin (SPC 1964-67, PY1969).
Marty Gleeson (SPC 1970-73, PY1975) and Noel Sheehan (SPC 1964-70).
Patrick Nolan (SPC 1970-75) chats with 1975 College Captain Brian Brown.
Martin Powles (SPC 1974-75) chats with Stephen Reilly (SPC 1970-77).
Gavan Tellefson (SPC 1964-67) chats with Peter Wilson (SPC 1959-65).
Christopher Hall (SPC 1973-74, PY1975) and Terence Flynn (SPC 1973-74, PY1975).
Kerry Bruty (SPC 1959-65, PY1965) chats with Michael (SPC 1950-57) and Sue Dinley.
Greg Dow (SPC 1970-75), Stephen Bigarelli (SPC 1970-75), Gavin Coppock (SPC 1970-74, PY1975), Marcus Coppock (SPC 1967-71, PY1972) and Greg Leask (SPC 1970-75).
SPC School Advisory council member & Foundation chair Bradley Fenner chats with Deputy Principal John Richards.


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