SPC OCA Pastoral Care Program Seeking Volunteers

St Patrick’s College’s Old Collegians Association operates a pastoral care program aimed at helping its Old Collegians in their time of need.

We aim to provide practical, hands-on support and assistance to our former students, affectionately known Old Boys, at a time when they may be battling serious illness, injury, a tragic event or are struggling for other genuine reasons.

We invite you to become an active part of our school community by becoming a volunteer on our Pastoral Care Program. All assistance helps no matter how large or small.

This much-needed assistance may take on many different forms, but is primarily hands-on voluntary assistance such as: mowing an Old Boy’s lawn, fixing a leaking tap, collecting groceries, giving a ride to an errand or appointment. It could also be by providing a home-cooked meal, walking the dog, or helping with a spot of painting, gardening or utilising some other professional, trades or handyman skill -“ just a few simple ways which may brighten the day of a struggling Old Boy.

Alternatively, you may be interested in making a donation to the Pastoral Care Program. Please rest assured that ALL donations are used directly to assist Old Collegians through the program.

To register your interest to become a volunteer in our Old Collegian Pastoral Care Program please contact Alumni and Foundation Officer, Lorrie Liston at lliston@stpats.vic.edu.au

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Do you have a story you’d like to share with our community?

Email the Development office via development@stpats.vic.edu.au.

SPC Foundation

St Patrick’s College Foundation is supported by community donations, driving the expansion of its programs and facilities.

SPC Care

SPC Care supports students, families, staff, and Old Collegians during tough times like illness, accidents or unemployment.