Middle School Report – March 9, 2017

This week has seen the first two of our four Year 9 camps completed. We have been blessed with excellent weather and perfect conditions for each of our activities. Each camp has started with a very clear journey, of some challenge, as the boys made their initial entrance to the camp. This all forms a…


Headmaster’s Message – March 9, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Recently I have had the great privilege of driving down to St Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church in South Melbourne with some senior students to assist with the operations of the soup van which provides food and support to people in St Kilda. The soup…


World War History Trip

To coincide with the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, St Patrick’s College is organising an international excursion in the 2018 Term 1 holidays to travel to France, Belgium and Germany. The aim of the trip will be to immerse students in the history of Australian soldiers, particularly Old Collegians from St…


18 Days to go.

Preparations are well under way with only 18 days to go until we head to Darwin on the 2017 Darwin Tour.


15 Days to go

It’s now only- 15 Days to go until our Performing Arts tour departs for New York to experience Broadway.


World War I Anniversary Tour

Imagine spending a day as a World War I digger, trekking the fields of Belgium in search of safety. Imagine standing on the beaches of Normandy, reliving the D-Day landings as the Allied Forces took on the Nazis. Imagine retracing the steps and visiting the graves of those St Patrick’s College Old Collegians who died…


Boarding Report – March 23, 2017

In this final Crest edition of Term 1, I ask you to allow me to change our focus. Our Crest reports serve to provide you (our parent/guardian group) with an insight into our boarding program over the previous fortnight period. Whilst some time is given to promoting forthcoming events or offering words of advice for…


Careers Update – March 23, 2017

Careers & Transition Office Reminder to all parents and students that the SPC Careersblog is available through the KRC Careers link and public URL: http://careers.stpats.vic.edu.au/ Recent Posts Weekly Career News 21/03/2017 2017 WCB Adrian Meade Dairy Innovation Program 20/03/2017 A Day at Melbourne University 17/03/2017 INSIDE MONASH Seminar Series 17/03/2017 Year 10 DISCOVERY day -“…


Middle School Report – March 23, 2017

Queenscliff Camp round up: Feedback has been very positive! Demonstrated teamwork & communication with others Support of each other in the various activities Boy have been pushed out of their comfort zone Overall behaviour was excellent -“ which is a great foundation for the upcoming Melbourne Experience. Of special note a phone call was received…


Senior School Report – March 23, 2017

It seems hard to believe that Term One concludes next week on March 31, 2017. Coinciding with this is the release in PAM of the mid-semester reports.- As parents we tend to focus on the work habits component of the report to ensure that our son is putting in an effort, behaving respectfully and generally…