SPC Business Directory success

Community members and businesses are all smiles after using the new SPC Business Directory App. Happy SPC staff member Barry Schuurs is pictured with local qualified arborists Paddy Arnts and his son Tom. Barry used the new app to source an arborist to tidy up some of his ornamental pear trees at home. -I downloaded…


Careers Update – August 31, 2017

SPC Careers -“ Home page at http://careers.stpats.vic.edu.au/ Incorporating the Weekly Career News. This week’s topics: Upcoming career events VTAC Advice Nights at Swinburne University Portfolio Information Evenings at Deakin University Careers and Creative Day, Monash University- Digital Media courses Information Technology Scholarship Programs Unique Engineering degree at Charles Sturt University UNSW Medicine Information Evening –…


Sustainability at St Patrick’s College

Sustainability at St Patrick’s College In 2016, St Patrick’s College commenced a journey on the path towards becoming a ResourceSmart Sustainable School. This requires active participation in the Victorian Government ResourceSmart Schools program and includes collecting baseline data on energy and water usage, waste generated and the level of biodiversity associated with the school’s operation…


Information Technology Update – August 31, 2017

eLearning Strategic Plan Review Update The eLearning Strategic plan review, which has been ongoing for most of 2017, seeks to find the best technology solutions and processes to best support our students in staff in teaching and learning. The 21st Century classroom clearly sees technology as an integral part of the modern school’s teaching and…


Senior School Report – August 31, 2017

This week I had the privilege of interviewing all but one of the Year 11 boys who accepted their nominations for College or House Captain for 2018.- It was a humbling experience.- All boys did themselves proud.- Many were exceptional and the decisions were difficult because the depth of talent was so great.- To those…


Teaching and Learning Report – August 31, 2017

2018 Subject Selection Current Year 8 students attended the student information session for 2018 Year 9 this week. While at this session, students received print copies of the 2018 Year 9 Information Booklet and the 2018 Year 9 Subject Selection Guide. – Any Year 8 boy absent from this information session can collect a copy…


Wellbeing Report – August 31, 2017

Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents As part of St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners to keep our students safe.- This week’s focus…


Boarding Report – August 31, 2017

As I write this fortnight’s Crest contribution from Boarding we are in the midst of our Boarding Leadership appointment process for 2018. It has made me reflect on a number interesting thoughts that I have had over these past few days. Firstly, I have thought about Leadership, it’s definition and the capacity of young men…


Director of Sport Report – August 31, 2017

Please click on- this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Mindshop Excellence

Congratulations to- the ten Year 10 students who- recently graduated from Commerce Ballarat’s Mindshop Excellence Program, which pairs high achieving students with local businesses to help solve real business problems. One group of our students spent the week with insurance company Simplex, helping to drive customer engagement and increase sales, while a second group worked…