Information Technology Update – October 26, 2017

Cyber Safety Pastoral Care Program Cyber Safety will continue to covered in the Pastoral Care program being delivered to all students in Years 7 & 8 this term. Keeping our students safe while using electronic devices and teaching them to be good digital citizens has now become a critical part of the education of our…


Junior School Report – October 26, 2017

The year is quickly slipping by and Term 4 is an extremely busy time at St Patrick’s College. At this time of the year it is of extreme importance that boys are very mindful of being organised. Being organised can alleviate many of the anxieties and issues that arise at this time of the year….


Wellbeing Report – October 26, 2017

Hay Fever Season With the warmer weather we are experiencing a significant number of boys presenting in sick bay with hay fever. The College does not prescribe or distribute hay fever medication or antihistamines upon request. However, should your son be on regular hay fever medication we are happy to assist in the supervised administration…


Director of Sport Report – October 26, 2017

Please click on- this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Senior School Report – October 26, 2017

Our Year 12’s marked the end to their formal classes with a very positive Leave Taking ceremony which included many humorous reminiscences from the boys about their journey from Years 7 to 12.- The Thanksgiving Mass and supper provided an opportunity for students, parents and teachers to acknowledge this significant moment in time together.- Father…


Mission Report – October 26, 2017

On Wednesday night we gathered at St Patrick’s Cathedral to celebrate our Thanksgiving Mass. This Mass has the special focus of our Year 12 students. Led by our College Chaplain, Fr Anthony Nagothu, it was a time of great joy, gratitude and hope. The homily of Fr Anthony is offered for your reflection.- -Congratulations to…


Headmaster’s Message – October 27, 2017

Dear Parents, Carers, Friends, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, This week marked a significant milestone in the lives of the 197 young men who finished their formal classes and began preparation for the final VCE examinations. It is a time of great celebration of all that they have achieved throughout their six years…


Where are they now – Kai Morganti (SPC 1998-2003)

The College reconnections with Kai Morganti (SPC 1998-2003) who is now working in Saudi Arabia and responsible for the development of engine-fuel systems for future vehicles!   Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I graduated from SPC in 2003 and was accepted into a Mechanical Engineering/Computer Science degree at the University of Melbourne…


Where are they now – Frank Tierney (SPC 1962-68)

The College reconnects with Frank Tierney (SPC 1962-68) who has relished a career in real estate spanning 50 years.     Where has life taken you since leaving SPC? I arrived in Ballarat- to become a boarder at St Patricks College in 1962.  My starting class was grade 6. This was a big step for…


Where are they now – John Fogarty (SPC 1976-81)

The College reconnects with John Fogarty (SPC 1976-81), who is the former executive director of WA Hospitals – overseeing six private and one public hospital incorporating over 1900 beds. John still finds time to be actively involved with St Patrick’s College, as a founding member on the- Chris Yeung Fund committee, which organises the hugely successful…