2019 Year 7, 10 and 11 Scholarship Program

The 2019 Year 7, 10 and 11 Scholarship program is now open. Scholarships are available for Academic, Performing Arts, Music, Art, Sport and General Excellence. The Academic component will be held on Saturday February 24, 2018 at the College from 9am until 12 noon. Interested families are to apply via the link at https://www.stpats.vic.edu.au/en/prospective-families/scholarships/ and…


Information Technology Update – February 2, 2018

1:1 ICT Devices College wide in 2018 It was wonderful to see all the boys return from holidays refreshed and enthusiastic to start a new year of academic studies. And this is a very significant year for the College in ICT as it is the first year all students across the College will be using…


Junior School Report – February 2, 2018

The 2018 school year has started smoothly in the St Patrick’s College Junior School. The new Year 7 students have entered the College with a good degree of enthusiasm and eagerness to get involved in the College and all it has to offer. Our teachers have worked for many hours to ensure that curriculum, class…


Acting Headmaster’s Message – February 2, 2018

The motto on the crest of St Patrick’s College is Facere et Docere – To Do and To Teach and 2018 is shaping as another year with many opportunities to both do and to teach! This year, we will celebrate the 125th anniversary of the opening of the College. Quite obviously, much has changed since…


Teaching and Learning Report – February 2, 2018

Teaching and Learning in 2018 Students have returned from the summer holidays ready for classes with a noticeably positive attitude to learning. This year the College will continue to implement and develop a range of teaching and learning initiatives including: Changes made in response to the Middle School Review including blocking Year 9 classes with…


Boarding Report – February 2, 2018

Wednesday, January 31- -“ a date that shall live long in the annuls of the College’s history. At 2.30pm the doors to the Residential component of our new Boarding Precinct opened to greet the 62 boarders who would call this their -‘home’, whilst on their journey through this great College. The excitement was evident and…


Download our Free SPC Business Directory App

Download our Free SPC Business Directory App We urge our whole school community, especially our new school parents to use our new SPC Business Directory App in 2019. The SPC Business Directory App provides a unique opportunity for members of our College community, ie current families, past families, Old Collegians and suppliers to promote their…


Careers Update – February 15, 2018

Today it’s not enough to be just smart or academically gifted, you need to be a well rounded candidate as well. Companies now look and test for -Soft Skills- and the following nine came up at the top of their list, in a major research project industry paper by the National University of Singapore. –…


Boarding Bulletin Board – February 15, 2018

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (Term 1)’ News around the Boarding Precinct It has been a whirlwind first few weeks as we welcomed 64 boarding students into our brand new Boarding Precinct. It has been wonderful to see so many different friendships forming in our new state of the art facilities and the respect our Boarders have…


Pastoral Care Report – February 15, 2018

2018 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents Resilience At St Patrick’s College, the concept of -‘resilience’ is a core component of our Pastoral Care Program.- ReachOut.com defines resilience as the -‘ability to bounce back from adversity. It is a necessary skill for coping with life’s inevitable obstacles and one of the key ingredients to success’….