
St Patrick’s College honours those Old Boys who have sadly left us and recognises their contribution to the life of the College and to broader society in general: 2020: We pass on our sincere sympathy to Old Collegian Noel Sheehan (SPC 1964-70) and his family on the passing of his brother Stan on December 1….


Junior School Report – March 1, 2018

Year 7 Camps With nine Year 7 classes enrolled in 2018, a revamped camp program kicked off in the middle of week two. 7ABC were the first classes to head off to Log Cabin Camp, Creswick, on Wednesday, February 7th, participating in the first of three camps over two weeks. The camps are designed to…


Enrolment at St Patrick’s College, 2020 Year 7

Enrolment @ St Patrick’s College, 2020 Year 7 2020 Year 7 Enrolment Applications are now open and parents are encouraged to submit their sons application this year. The closing date for 2020 Year 7 is Friday December 7, 2018.- The Year 7 Information Evening will be held on Wednesday October 17 at 7:30 pm in…


Boarding Bulletin Board – March 1, 2018

Boarding Bulletin Board (T1) News around the Boarding Precinct How very proud were we to be able to watch four of our Boarders compete and win at the recent BAS Head of the Lake regatta. Congratulations to Max Daunt and Michael Cappello who were winners in the Open 4th Division. Regan Champley and Connor Shugg…


Pastoral Care Report – March 1, 2018

2018 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents Year 10 Father Son Night -“ Tuesday March 20 The annual Year 10 Father / Son night will happen on Tuesday 20 March, from 7pm in the Pavilion, with break out discussions to occur in the Wilding Wing.- I would please encourage all Year 10 students to take…


Acting Headmaster’s Message – March 1, 2018

As a school in the Edmund Rice tradition, and given we have a large number of students and parents who are new to the community, it is important to take some time at the beginning of each year to reflect on our charism – that special gift from God that is fundamental to our story…


Information Technology Update – March 1, 2018

Microsoft Office for home for free! As part of the College’s membership to Office 365, all students are allowed to download the Microsoft Office suite for free on up to five home computers. This can be done quite easily by following the instructions on the iPad Parent Support page here: The important thing to…


Senior School Report – March 1, 2018

Last week the buzz around the school was very much about Head of the Lake.- The passion and school spirit that it stirs is an amazing phenomenon. The pride and sense of belonging the boys display in this week is the envy of many others. The behaviour of the supporters was in the main excellent;…


Mission Report – March 1, 2018

The Gospel of Mark records Jesus’ call of his first disciples in this way: As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea-”for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, -Follow me and I will make you fish for people.- And immediately…


Director of Sport Report – March 1, 2018

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –