Middle School Report – August 8, 2019

This week has also seen much preparation, on behalf of all boys, to complete all of the necessary tasks required to select their subjects for Year 10 in 2020. Boys are required to obtain signatures and counsel from their current teachers along with making appointments to speak with specialised staff regarding VET, VCAL and School…


KRC Update – August 8, 2019

Library Closure It is our endeavour to assist students, teachers and parents by making the library accessible for them daily both prior to school and after school.- Our library operating hours are: Mon -“ Thurs 8 am -“ 5pm Friday 8am -“ 4pm Unfortunately, on Tuesday August 20, the library will not be open after…


Mission Report – August 9, 2019

In a busy, busy year-¦ there was a busy, busy semester. In a busy, busy semester-¦ there was a busy, busy term. In a busy, busy term-¦ there was a busy, busy week. In a busy, busy week-¦ there was a busy, busy day. And on that busy, busy day-¦ there was a Mass. And…


Director of Sport Report – August 8, 2019

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Waste Prevention and Climate Change – SAGERS

The article below was written by a Year 9 student on behalf of the College SAGERS (environmental justice) group. – His concern for our life support systems is obvious.- The College will run a -nude food- day later this month where we ask families to reduce their environmental impact by purchasing food that has no…


1st XI Soccer – SPC v BGS – August 7, 2019

St Patrick Senior’s 5 defeated Grammar 0 GOALS: Alex Baker 2, Jordan Armstrong 2, Alex Pituch BEST: Alex Baker, Connor Gaffney, Jordan Armstrong, Jordan Lauton, Patrick Heagney, Maxx Hofler, Tyson Strachan, Nathan Delvescovo Kale Huggett made a great run down the right wing and crossed into the danger area with first Alex Baker and then…


Teaching and Learning Report – August 9, 2019

2019 Semester One- Chris Nolan Academic Awards The College community gathered this week for the annual presentation of the 2019 Semester One Chris Nolan Awards. Established in 2008, they acknowledge the academic excellence of individual students. To receive a Chris Nolan Award, a boy must be in the top 15% of his year level. This…


Boarding Bulletin Board – August 9, 2019

News around the Boarding Precinct Good luck to our Boarders and the 1stXV Rugby team as they compete on Saturday in the VSRU State Grand Final against St Kevin’s College. The team have worked hard all season and it has been a credit to the boarders and coaching staff to achieve all they have in…


Acting Co-Headmaster – Wellbeing Message

As Week 4 draws to an end, one can declare that Term 3 is well and truly in -‘full swing’. Our Parent/Teacher/Student meeting occurred last Tuesday, and special thanks goes to all the parents who braved the cold in order to meet and discuss their sons’ academic endeavours. Senior School subject selection interviews are completed…


Edmund Rice Camps Victoria Appeal

Over many decades, members of our community have been intimately involved in the successful running of Edmund Rice Camps around Australia. Many Old Collegians have donated their time to volunteer at the camps which aim to provide much-needed respite for disadvantaged children and families in a warm, caring environment. The demand for Edmund Rice Camps…