April 14 – Email to students regarding remote learning
Dear students, Welcome to Term Two. Teachers have been busy over the holidays planning and preparing our lessons to present remotely. This week will give us all a chance to adapt to remote learning so our focus will be on connecting with classes, setting guidelines and doing some class tasks which will be listed in…
April 16 – College update on COVID-19
Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, Firstly, thank you for your support this week as our staff and your son(s) negotiate the opening days of Term 2 in a remote and flexible learning environment. While this has provided challenges for many, we have been most encouraged by the feedback we have received…
Where are they now – Chris Vanderkley (SPC 1975-80)
The College recently reconnected with Chris Vanderkley (SPC 1975-80) who has recently been appointed by the Federal Government as a part-time member of the Board of Taxation for the next three years. Chris has strong business taxation experience, with over 30 years’ corporate tax experience in the financial services sector. He held senior positions at…
Old Boys in the News – April 2020
Our Old Boys have been busy, including: Australian Hotels Association Victorian president and Old Collegian David Canny (SPC 1980-85) spoke out recently on the plight of pubs due to COVID-19. David, who runs Ballarat’s Red Lion, said never before had their industry been shutdown in a space of 24 hours. To read more, click here…
Where are they now – Anthony Edwards (SPC 1985-90)
The College recently reconnected with Anthony Edwards (SPC 1985-90), who was a part of one of our most celebrated moments in SPC history as a member of the winning SPC Head of the Lake crew in 1990, effectively changing the landscape for rowing at SPC. Anthony went on to row in five Olympic Games and…
Boarders send in remote learning images
This period of unprecedented remote and flexible learning for our students means many boys, perhaps for the first time, are truly missing coming to school each day. They miss hanging out with their meets, playing downball, kicking the footy, joining their friends in the band or even just spending quality time together in the classroom,…
Health and Safety at St Patrick’s College – Novel Coronavirus
by Director of Risk and Compliance, Ms Jo-anne Dyer Novel Coronavirus We are now very aware of the impact of novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) globally and in our own local communities. It is important to note that the safety messaging has remained consistent over time, that is, practice good hand hygiene, good respiratory hygiene and social…
Boarding Bulletin Board
Boarding Bulletin Board (T2 24/04/20) by Director of Boarding, Mr Mike Silcock By now you would all be aware of our we (in Boarding) are navigating the challenge of providing that additional support to our Boarders and you, their families. As we reflect on the start to Term (2) we hope you do feel supported….
Middle School Report
Welcome back to all of the Middle School families in this very different Term Two situation. I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the Easter break and are now well and truly back into the swing of things in regards to our Remote and Flexible Learning mode of classroom delivery. As always we are…
Junior School Report
Junior School Crest Report – Week 2, Term 2, 2020 A warm hello to all and welcome back to Term 2. Firstly, I would like to thank and acknowledge Mr Gerry Willis, who took on the role of Director of Junior School, while I was on Long Service Leave (five weeks) at the end of…