A history of Edmund Rice Day at St Patrick’s College

By College Archivist Halina Sztynda With the sun shining on a clear autumn day, today would have been a brilliant setting for our annual College Walkathon to celebrate Edmund Rice Day in honour of the founder of the Christian Brothers. However, as with so many events in 2020, the COVID-19 virus has forced us to…


Health and Safety at St Patrick’s College – COVID-19 Pandemic

by Director of Risk and Compliance, Ms Jo-anne Dyer COVID-19 Pandemic As we continue our preparations for our students to return safely to School additional health and safety protocols have been implemented including extra handsanitser stations, placement of social distancing markers and the incorporation of required cleaning regimes. We also ask for your help at…


Enrolment for 2022 in Year 7 and 2021 July Scholarship Program

Enrolment for 2022 in Year 7 Application for enrolment to St Patrick’s College is now open for Year 7 in 2022. Please refer to this link to complete the online Enrolment application process: https://apply.stpats.vic.edu.au/#/Action/Welcome For further information and to obtain a Prospectus, please contact the Registrar Caitlin Bennett at enrolments@stpats.vic.edu.au Alternatively please click on the following link to view…


Middle School Report

I hope that everyone is now working positively with our online platform Microsoft Teams. The boys have been able to grasp this new way of learning and are engaging well with the teaching staff in the Middle School. Initial hiccups have been ironed out and everyone is making the most of this very different manner…


Answers to student council video challenge

Last week our Student Council issued a challenge to all in our community to test your knowledge of locations around the school. The Council filmed the following video and then asked people to guess each location by providing their answers at this link. The list below provides the answers to each of the locations the…


Gerard Sullivan’s funeral

St Patrick’s College continues to mourn the passing of our colleague and friend Gerard Sullivan at 9:30pm on Friday, May 1, 2020 after a courageous battle with cancer. Gerard’s wife, Suzie, and his children, Ella and Lucinda, were with Gerard as he passed gently. All at St Patrick’s and the wider EREA community pass our…


Mission Report

by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie This week we were cast back into the feelings and questions of Good Friday with the death of a good man, Gerard Sullivan. Our prayers and deepest condolences reach out to his wife Suzie, his daughters, Ella and Lucinda, and to all his family and friends. In offering…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College and delves into the College Archives to find out if sport at SPC has been impacted at any other time due to a pandemic. To view the sports report, and to find out more about the below image of the…


Careers Update

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 5 May 2020 Happy reading! Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager


Teaching and Learning Report

by Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov Exams and reports Due to the challenges posed by remote learning it is felt that running traditional examinations would not be useful so there will be no exam period at the end of this semester. We will use the additional time to teach coursework. Our reports…