2020 Transfer of Leadership Assembly

Traditionally, the annual Change of Leadership Assembly is one of the biggest on the College calendar as we commemorate the transition of key student leadership roles from one cohort to the other. However, in 2020, due to COVID-19 restrictions, we had to reimagine how we would present these students with their awards and acknowledge their…


KRC Update

by Director of Library and Information Services, Ms Leonie Darken Fiction and Fun – Focus for Term 4 It was wonderful to see the student’s return to the College this week and once again fill the library with chatter and enthusiastic young men. Traditionally CBCA Children’s Book Week is programmed to be held next week….


Senior School Report

by Director of the Senior School, Mr Hamish McCrum It has been fabulous to have all our students back onsite.  They have certainly appeared to delight in each other’s company and learn face-to-face rather than online.  Many students have done their best to keep their learning and development going in what have been very difficult…


SPC undertakes energy efficiency initiatives

St Patrick’s College is moving towards becoming a more sustainable school with the recent installation of solar panels and additional LED lighting at the College. St Patrick’s College has now installed approximately 306 solar panels at the College, which enhances the energy efficiency of the school. Approximately 274 solar panels were installed on the roof…


Director of Teaching and Learning

By Director of Teaching and Learning, Mrs Julia Petrov The last weeks of Term 4 2020 – Assessment and Headstart In recognising the disruption caused by remote learning this year, the VCE Unit 3/4 exams have been rescheduled to occur later in the term. As a consequence, a range of important activities have needed to…


State Government provides College a funding boost

St Patrick’s College was today excited to learn that the Victorian Government will provide a large funding injection to help in the construction of a new $13.2m Multi-Purpose Centre. Member for Wendouree Juliana Addison today announced the College would receive $2 million as one of the more than 50 projects under the Non-Government Schools Capital…


VCAL Citizen Science Project

These plants used to be common in western Victoria.  Do you know what these plants are? If you are like most people, your answer would be, no.  They are called Murrnong and their roots or tubers were cultivated and harvested by the indigenous people.  They have become rare in this area possibly due to grazing…


Expressions of Interest welcome for SPC School Advisory Council

St Patrick’s College School Advisory Council   Expressions of Interest are welcome for consideration to become a member of the School Advisory Council and/or the Council sub-committees.  The St Patrick’s College community is inspired by the Charism of Edmund Rice and our daily work informed and enriched by the Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) Touchstones….


Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher, Director of the Middle School  This week has seen the boys do our traditional Roll Call photos. Despite the change of date we still attracted winter like weather but I would like to personally thank the boys for bearing the experience and completing the task in a timely and orderly manner….


Try our SPC Places Quiz

Over the last couple of editions, we’ve tested your knowledge on SPC history, famous faces and this time we are quizzing you on some of SPC’s iconic ‘places’. We hope you can work these various locations around the SPC grounds. See how many you can get right by checking the answers, which can be found…