New opportunities for our boys in ACC competition

It is with a great level of excitement that St Patrick’s College announces it will join, in a limited capacity, the Associated Catholic College’s (ACC) renowned sport and co-curricular program from 2022. The invitation to join such an outstanding organisation comprised of very similar schools from throughout Melbourne and Geelong will present our students with…


Own your piece of the Main Oval

For generations of boys at St Patrick’s College, our Main Oval has been their own personal field of dreams. Often regarded as one of the best playing surfaces in Ballarat, it has been the cherished home turf for thousands of footballers, cricketers, athletes, rugby players and general physical education students. Nearly every Old Collegian has…


Researching the origins of the SPC War Cry

The SPC War Cry has been handed down from generations to generations of young and budding St Patrick’s College students. The non-sensical lyrics of the song are taught to incoming students at Year 7 school camps, sung with gusto by current students and continue to be still remembered and heartily sung by Old Collegians, 10,…


Memorabilia from legendary Bourke brothers received

The College was recently presented with donations relating to the legendary Bourke brothers from Pakenham, who were renowned in the horse racing industry. The memorabilia was recently donated by Megan Gannon and related to her uncles, the Bourke brothers from Pakenham, who attended SPC in the 1940-50s and her grandfather and great uncle, Michael and…


Old Boys in the News – June 2021

Our Old Collegians have been busy, including: Great to hear that Old Collegian and craft beer pioneer John O’Brien (SPC 1978-79) is looking to expand his brewing business through a public equity crowdfunding offer. John developed gluten-free beer after discovering he had developed a gluten intolerance. The makers of the gluten-free O’Brien beer, Rebellion Brewing…


SPC wins 2021 BAS 1st XVIII Football Grand Final

BAS Grand Final v Ballarat Grammar, June 16 SPC 13. 8 (86) d BG  6. 7 (43) Goal Kickers: Isaac Hucker 4, James Van Es, Paddy Simpson, Kai Lohmann, Max Faulkner, Nick Cushing, Josh Gibcus, James Clark, Fletcher McCarty, Spence Jenks 1 Best: Sam Butler, Jack Bambury, Austin Reinehr, Kai Lohmann, Alonzo Solomon. In heavy…


Old Collegian’s “The Forgotten City” prepares for worldwide launch

The saying goes that “all roads lead to Rome”. Former St Patrick’s College student Nick Pearce (SPC 1994-99) is hoping that idiom holds true as he prepares a worldwide launch of a new video game next month, which is set in ancient Rome. Nick runs a video game studio in Melbourne called Modern Storyteller which…


July 15, 2021 – College update on COVID-19

Dear Parents, Carers and Guardians of St Patrick’s College, As you may be aware the State Government has this afternoon announced another lockdown to help combat the growing COVID-19 outbreak. We understand this presents another challenging time for us all and will cause some distress in our community. Your ongoing understanding and support is always…


2021 Online Soiree

St Patrick’s College is proud to showcase the following videos, highlighting some of the incredible music talent our students have learned. Please enjoy our 2021 Online Soiree!


Careers News

Please read the Weekly Career News each week to ensure you keep up to date with upcoming career events and key dates. Please click on the following link to view the current Weekly Careers News. Weekly Careers News 20 July 2021 Mr Anthony Meehan Careers and Transition Manager