William Thomas (Bill) Maher (SPC 1955-57, PY1958)

We were notified that Old Collegian William Thomas (Bill) Maher (SPC 1955-57, PY1958) sadly passed away on July 6, 2021. We extend our deepest sympathy to his wife Lesley and his extended family, where he was a devoted father and father-in-law of Louise and David, Michelle and Greg, Phillip and Amanda, Hayden and Kelly and…


Sister Anne Forbes RSM

Former staff member Sister Anne Forbes RSM sadly passed away on February 17, 2022, aged 92 years, in the 72nd year of her religious profession at Mercy Place Ballarat. Anne’s ministry was primarily in education in the Ballarat Diocese.  She was a founding staff member at St Martins in the Pines (1967), now Damascus College. …


The Shamrock – Latest edition

The latest edition of The Shamrock is available now St Pat’s Shamrock V20 Ed2 Digital


Old Collegian’s “Allsorts” hit road again to crush cancer

A group of Old Boys led by Jim Waight (SPC 1985-1990) are determined to make a positive contribution to cancer research. The Jimmy’s Licorice Allsorts Cycling Team are once again participating in The Murray to Moyne Cycling Relay on 2 and 3 April 2022 to raise funds for cancer research at The Fiona Elsey Cancer…


Old Boys in the News – February 2022

Our Old Boys have been busy, including: Get along and support the Elaine Farmgate Shop, owned by Old Collegian Mark Dunne (SPC 1992-97), pictured above, who is opening up its first pick-your-own sunflower farm to raise funds for its expansion. The Farmgate Shop sunflower farm will be open seven days a week until the end of…


Middle School Report

by Mr Michael Busscher,  Director of the Middle School  The Middle School Community Service Program started for the first time for our Tuesday groups this week with our boys heading out into the Ballarat Community offering their services. Quite possibly, some students don’t realise how important volunteers are to the country and to many organisations….


Junior School

By Mr Gavin Webb, Director of the Junior School Laptops On Monday, February 28, all Year 7 students received their laptop! After enduring a frustrating delay due to shipping issues, it was wonderful to roll them out during Pastoral Care. Throughout the week many staff have been involved in the process of “setting up” the…


Boarding Bulletin Board

by Director of Boarding, Mr Brendon Gilbert As the year starts to unfold, we see more boys getting involved with co-curricular and community activities. The past two weeks have been particularly busy with the Swimming Carnival, Athletics, Tennis and Football. Swimming Sports On Wednesday, February 23, we were blessed with perfect conditions as the boarders…


Director of Sports Report

Director of Sport, Ms Tina Benoit, provides an update on sporting activities at the College. Please click on the link below to view the Sports Report. SPC Sports Report Term 1 Week 5


Mission Report

by Assistant Principal -Mission and Identity, Mr Geoff Brodie We have begun the Season of Lent: that solemn time in preparation for the great joy of Easter. Our College Chaplain, Fr Eladio Lizada, led us in our whole school liturgy on Ash Wednesday morning. College Principal, Mr Steven O’Connor, invited us into the solemnity of…