2nd XI Soccer report – August 5, 2015

SPC Blue 4 d MCC 1 This was the last opportunity for SPC Blue to play together and for a number of Year 12 students the last opportunity to represent the College. As a result the players were committed to ensuring that they gave their best and finished the season positively. A very wet and…


1st XVIII match report – 2015 Herald Sun Shield Fi

2015 Herald Sun Shield Grand Final St Patrick’s College 10.12 (72)- d Essendon Keilor College 6.7 (43) Goal Kickers: Jackson Carrick 2, Jacob Wheelahan 2, Jacob Hopper 1, Hamish Coulton 1, Daniel Rioli 1, Leigh Spiteri 1, Tanner Blackney-Noter 1, Bailey Veale Best Players: Joel Cowan, Ben Hurley, Jacob Hopper, Ben Simpson, Ben Lusby, Hasker…


1st XI Soccer report – 2015 BAS Grand Final

ST PATRICK’S COLLEGE- 1 was defeated by BALLARAT COLLEGE 2 GOALS – Will McLoughlin BEST- – – – – Will McLoughlin, Dennis Heinke, Jake Selby, Josh De Voogel, Tom Whitburn, Brayden Baker Ballarat Clarendon College defeated St Patrick’s College in the 2015 Grand Final and in so doing upset the potential decade of dominance of…


Careers Update – August 13, 2015

Parents and students are reminded that all career news and information can be found at the – SPC Careers blog — http://spccareersblog.edublogs.org/– -‹Recent Posts:


Middle School Report – August 13, 2015

Year 9 Social Last Wednesday evening’s social with Year 9 students from St Patrick’s College and Loreto College, was the culmination of a number of after school dance practices. The boys were exceptionally fleet footed and proved themselves more than capable in all dance routines.- The attention to dress, hair (and makeup) by the girls,…


Boarding Report – August 13, 2015

Director of Boarding Change!! By now you will have all received the Headmaster’s correspondence announcing the changes in boarding for next year and beyond. C.S.Lewis wrote -Mere change is not growth. Growth is the synthesis of change and continuity, and where there is no continuity there is no growth.- I share this with you not…


Information Technology Update – August 13, 2015

Keeping our Safe online There was an alarming article in last week’s Herald Sun with regards some of the dangers our children, indeed all of us face when going online. It also highlighted the major role we as parents can play in keeping our children safe online. Obviously in the cyber world, unscrupulous people are…


College Chaplain Reflection – August 13, 2015

I Believe-¦ One of the difficulties of the English language is that we can use the same word in entirely different settings. On a given Saturday in winter I can tell my rugby team at half time, -You only need to believe in yourselves and you can win this!- and then follow that up in…


Mission Report – August 13, 2015

Next Tuesday is our annual Social Justice Assembly. To work for justice and peace is a natural aspect of Christian self-understanding. – -Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?- Jesus replied: –‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the…


Wellbeing Report – August 13, 2015

Saint Mary MacKillop On Friday we celebrated the life of one Australian who ran the race to the end, kept the faith and in doing so created a greater legacy for Australia -“ Friday was the feast day of Saint Mary MacKillop, Australia’s first officially recognised saint. Starting her race in the humble town of…