Student Council elected for 2016

The student leaders for 2016 at St Patrick’s College have been announced. John Brodie will captain the College in 2016 and will have Hasker Dawborn and David O’Doherty as his Vice Captains. The trio were announced as the student leaders during the full school Transfer of Leadership Assembly which was held in Br W. T….


Careers Update – October 22, 2015

The SPC Careers Blog has all the news on careers, dates, reports and events. Click on this link to find the- latest: Recent Posts Weekly Career News T4 W3 Course and career profile -“ Alana Veres, Event Management at Victoria University Course and career profile -“ Jake Curtis, Commerce at the University of Melbourne…


Administration Report – 22 October, 2015

Immunisations On Monday October 26 students in Years 7 who have returned completed immunisation cards will be receiving their final injection for 2016. Students in Years 8 -“ 10 who had previously missed their injections earlier in the year may also receive their injections. For students who are absent or have not returned completed forms…


Headmaster’s Message – October 22, 2015

On Wednesday I had the privilege of attending the final day activities for our Year 12 students. This involved, amongst other things, an early morning BBQ, followed by a spirited soccer match, some formal classes, lunch, a year level assembly and, finally, a beautiful mass and supper at St Patrick’s Cathedral. I have been incredibly…


Teaching and Learning Report – October 22, 2015

1:1 Program -“ update on 2016 devices The introduction of iPads into Years 7-9 in 2014 has proven to be an important element in the implementation of the initial phase of the College’s eLearning strategic plan. 2016 will see the next phase of the eLearning plan affected through an expansion of the 1:1 program into…


Information Technology Update, October 22, 2015

Parent ICT Information Evening All parents are invited to the next Parent ICT Information Evening to be held in the College- Chapel on Thursday November 5 starting at 7:00pm. We are now over a year into our 1:1 journey and we believe it is an appropriate time to hold another ICT information evening at the…


Boarding Report – October 22, 2015

Director of Boarding Today marks our Year 12s final College day -“ this past Sunday we were able to offer an early farewell to our boarding Yr12 cohort -“ an evening shared by our boarders, their parents, invited guests and all our fine staff who have helped guide our boys through their time at the…


Mission Report – October 22, 2015

Life’s lessons usually come from the most unexpected moments. At the commencement of this year I thought I had a little routine that would wake Year 12 students from any lingering morning lethargy. For many years I chose to be confused by the bell that sounded between the two morning sessions. This is a double…


College Chaplain Reflection – October 22, 2015

I learnt an important lesson this week. I was getting ready to see a family at the Base Hospital the other day. I found a lovely blue fountain pen to write a return address on the book I was to leave with them and then applied some sunblock in preparation for my walk. The meeting…


Director of Sport Report – October 22, 2015

Please click on this link– to view this week’s sports wrap.