Wellbeing Report – March 3, 2016

Head of the Lake Last Friday I was very proud of two groups of students. The wonderful team of rowers who won the regatta for the day Mr Peter Joyce, his team of coaches and rowing captains were a real team. They collaborated as a team, supported by families who dropped the boys off, picked…


Information Technology Update – March 3, 2016

1:1 Devices We are now several weeks into term and we are now seeing nearly all boys across all year levels with fully functioning 1:1 devices, able to access all resources as expected. To see the boys accessing valuable online resources on their 1:1 device in class under the instruction of their teacher and taking…


Senior School Report – March 3, 2016

We have two types of memory: Short term memory Long term memory When a boy first learns something it enters his short term memory. If he can link the new knowledge to something he has already stored in his brain then it will be retained.- If the information proves useful, like their password to their…


Director of Sport Report – March 3, 2016

Please click on this link to view a sports wrap from the Director of Sport.


Director of Sport Report – March 3, 2016

Please click on this link– to view a sports wrap from the Director of Sport, including all the action from the Head of the Lake. –


2016 Legends Announced

The St Patrick’s College Old Collegians’ Association (SPC-OCA) will honour the exemplary work of two Old Collegians by inducting them as Legends at a gala dinner in May. Prominent Australian cinematographer and four-time Australian Film Industry award winner David Parer will be honoured at the dinner alongside Joe (Desmond) Delaney AO,- a former president of…


Headmaster’s Message – March 18, 2016

Dear Parents, Guardians, Friends and Students of St Patrick’s College, Over the past three months we have been privileged to witness hundreds of people attaching colourful ribbons to our front gate and fence as part of the now-international Loud Fence campaign. We have been equally proud to see this campaign flourish around Ballarat, around Australia…


Teaching and Learning Report – March 17, 2016

Use of the Parent Access Module (PAM) -“ Learning Areas, Mid Semester Reports and Years 8 and 9 Parent/Teacher/Student interviews St Patrick’s uses the Parent Access Module (PAM) to give parents and guardians online access to a range of information specific to their son(s). PAM provides parents their son’s timetable, his attendance records, daily messages…


Boarding Report – March 17, 2016

Some of you may be aware that there are 181 boarding schools in Australia -“ within these fine establishments there are upwards of 26,000 boarders. Within that context the 42 boarders that call St Patrick’s -home- is a small percentage, however we all share a common goal -“ to provide the best possible experience for…


Information Technology Update – March 17, 2016

Apple AC Wall Plug Adapter Replacement As you were recently notified, Apple identified a problem with the Apple AC Wall Plug Adapter designed for use with Apple devices such as the iPad and voluntarily decided to exchange affected wall plug adapters with a new, redesigned adapter, free of charge. Apple’s official statement and further details…