St Pat’s News
Headmaster’s Message
Dear Parents, Carers, Staff and Students of St Patrick’s College, Last week, I was at a supermarket buying some ingredients for dinner. Whist lining up at the register, I noticed an elderly man at the checkout. He was frail and slow. He fumbled around for a considerable time searching his pockets for his money to…
Director of Sports Report
Acting Director of Sport, Tina Benoit, provides a wrap-up of all sporting activities at the College. To view the sports report please click on the link below. Sports Report Term 4 Week 4
Middle School Report
By Acting Director of the Middle School, Mr Matt Taylor Just a reminder to all Year 9 families that this term will be a very busy one, as the boys continue their journey towards completing the Middle School. During Week 5 of Term 4 (6/11 – 8/11) the Year 9 students will attend their final…
Junior School Report
By Director of the Junior School, Mr Gavin Webb Junior School – Week 4, Term 4 Term 4 continues to travel by at a frantic pace for both students and staff. Plenty has already happened in the first four weeks, which is why we have all been waiting in anticipation for this coming Melbourne Cup…
Mission Report
by Director of Mission, Mr Geoff Brodie November 1 is always All Saints Day in the liturgical calendar. On this day the Catholic community celebrates our identity as a “communion of saints”. Regarding this important solemnity, Pope Francis says that the “communion of saints” highlights the fact that there exists a communion of life between…
Careers Update
5 facts that will surprise you about the future of work An era of change in the workforce is well and truly upon us. The arrival of the Fourth Industrial Revolution means that the careers we once worked towards, or are working towards, are undergoing rapid change. But don’t panic just yet. Despite the influx of intelligent…
Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4
Boarding Bulletin Board Term 4 Week 4 By Ryan Bullock – Boarding Housemaster News around the Boarding Precinct On Sunday October 20 we celebrated our annual Year 12 Boarders’ Mass and Dinner. This evening is always a special occasion as it allows us as a Community to come together and celebrate Year 12 Boarders success’…
2019 MENtal Brekky hailed a major success
The College was incredibly fortunate to host the chief executive officer of SANE Australia, Mr Jack Heath as the guest speaker at our fourth annual MENtal Brekky recently. Speaking to a sell-out crowd of 240 guests Jack bravely shared intimate details of his own past while providing incredibly practical advice around providing support and assistance…
Collection of photos from St Patrick’s College in 1969
Exactly, half a century has passed since these photos were taken. It was great to welcome so many of the men featured in these photos back to the College last term when they regathered for their 50-year reunion.
SPC grows together in Movember
Growing a mo to support mental health By Pastoral Care Co-ordinator Mr Brad Murray To continue the important discussions on men’s health at St Patrick’s College, this month, being the month of November, we will celebrate Movember. Staff and senior students have been invited to participate and we’d love to garner further support from our…