St Pat’s News

St Patrick’s College inducts three new Legends

Three fine Old Collegians of St Patrick’s College who have dedicated much of their lives to helping others were honoured as Legends of the College at the St Patrick’s College Annual Celebration Dinner last Saturday night (August 31). The St Patrick’s College Old Collegians’ Association (SPC-OCA) honoured the exemplary work of these three fine men,…


Senior School Report – September 5, 2019

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of sitting on a panel and interviewing the prospective student leaders for 2020.- We were blessed with an abundance of fine candidates.- Unfortunately, some very capable students with the capacity to adequately fill a role on Student Council will not make it onto Student Council.- These…


Applied Learning Update – September 5, 2019

VCAL PaddyMart The Father’s Day PaddyMart was a great success, the best yet! The boys worked hard to produce a range of handmade goods for sale, and elected to donate the proceeds to saving koalas by supporting the World Wildlife Fund with a one – off donation focused on habitat restoration and medical treatment for…


KRC Update – September 5, 2019

During Term 3 we were delighted to be able to host a display of Artist In Residence, Robert Lee Davis’ work.- Robert visited us on many occasions to look through our collection as he researched the College’s history to shape his interpretive art work.- Robert is the winner of the 2019 Flanagan Artist in Resident…


Acting Co-Headmaster Wellbeing Message September 5

Father’s Day The College conducted a Father’s Day Mass and Breakfast on Friday, August 30 which was once again, very well supported by boys, their fathers and in some cases, grandfathers. Thank you to Mr Geoff Brodie, the Director of Mission and members of the Liturgy Domain of the Mission Team who coordinated the Mass…


Pastoral Care Report – September 5, 2019

2019 Pastoral Care Program: Information for- Parents Keeping Safe: Information for- Parents As part of the St Patrick’s College mission to create a safe and secure learning environment for our students, it is crucial that our broader community of parents are well-informed with the latest information and research available, so we can work as partners…


Director of Sports Report – September 5, 2019

Please click on this link– for a Sports Report from the Director of Sport, Mr Gavin Webb. –


Boarding Bulletin Board – September 5, 2019

-‘Boarding Bulletin Board (T3)’ News around the Boarding Precinct Following a comprehensive process that has entailed a letter of application, informal questions, student and staff vote and an interview -“ we are delighted to announce the following leadership for 2020. – 2020 Captain of Boarding -“ Benedict Howard – 2020 Vice Captains of Boarding -“…


Mission Report – September 5, 2019

A nightclub opened next door to a church and immediately the relationship was tense. The churchgoers were unhappy with the noise on Saturday nights as they were gathering for a prayer group. They did not like the cars that were left by patrons on Sunday mornings when they tried to get a parking space near…


Middle School Report – September 5, 2019

-No act of kindness is ever wasted.- Aesop In 2020 The Middle School Community Service Program will continue as part of the Middle School timetable. Community Service is when you work for free to the benefit of your community rather than yourself. In our modern world, we need to consider community service not only as…