St Pat’s News

Information Technology Update – August 9, 2018

ICT in the ClassroomSince the introduction of 1:1 devices for students at the College, the use of ICT in teaching and learning has increased extensively in an incredibly rich and powerful way. It is now at a point in many classrooms where if there are any issues with the devices working or connecting to the…


KRC Update – August 9, 2018

Lunch times in the KRC The KRC is well utilised during lunch times and recess with many students coming to use the space. Sometimes boys are working on homework that is due the next session while others are revising their class notes and working steadily through their course work. Some students use the space to…


Careers Update – August 9, 2018

Amidst this- senior school- subject selection ‘season’- was- the- opening of the VTAC university selection- process for- current- Year 12s Featured on the- SPC Careers- — Home- Page is- an introductory- video to- VTAC processes- as well as- links to VTAC course search functions. Over the coming weeks the Year 12 cohort- will be offered…


Middle School Report – August 9, 2018

Our Social/Dance program concluded this week. Our Year 9 students have been enjoying the opportunity to participate in Ballroom Dancing Classes with the Year 9 students from Loreto College. Over 120 of our boys and 200 girls from Loreto took up this opportunity, which has proven once again how successful this activity continues to be….


Old Boys in the News – August 2018

Our Old Boys have been busy including: Congratulations to Old Collegian Darcy Coutts (SPC 2012-16), pictured above,– who has been selected in the Mountain Bike Australia elite downhill senior team to compete at the UCI World Championships in Switzerland next month. Great to see another Old Collegian wearing the green and gold and representing his…


Where are they now – John Lloyd (SPC 1961-67)

The College recently reconnected with John Lloyd (SPC 1961-67), who kindly returned to the College recently to talk to some of our current students. John recently announced his resignation as the Australian Public Service Commissioner – one of the nation’s most senior public servants. He shares his plans for retirement, which still involves fighting for…


Engagements, Marriages and Births – August 2018

Our SPC community has plenty of exciting news to share: – ENGAGEMENTS Charlie Cree (SPC 2000-04) and Bridget Nunn proudly announced their engagement recently. Congratulations also to Hugh McGlade (SPC 1999-03, PY2004) and Kahli Cassells, who became engaged on July 28 under the lunar eclipse. – BIRTHS Jarrad Answer (SPC 1995-2000) and Melissa and their…


Where are they now – John Deany (SPC 1949-53)

The College recently reconnected with John Deany (SPC 1949-53), pictured right with his great mate John James (SPC 1948-52) outside the College gates in 1952, who has kindly shared some of his fondest memories of his time as a boarder at SPC, including sitting in class with two future- AFL Brownlow Medallists. John has also…


Where are they now – Shane Pianta (SPC 1973-74)

The College recently reconnected with former boarder Shane Pianta (SPC 1973-74) who retired this year after a fulfilling career in town planning. Shane recalls some of his memories of his favourite teacher, Br “Ace” Cole and the friendships he has retained with both boarders and day students. Where has life taken me since leaving SPC?…


Where are they now – Eugene McKinnon (SPC 1965-66)

The College reconnects with Fr Eugene McKinnon (SPC 1965-66), who has spent time in Papua New Guinea and is currently the parish priest in the Wimmera. Fr McKinnon still remembers moving from a small, country school to SPC, where there were 125 students in his English class. – Where has life taken you since leaving…